Not sure how many are familiar with this guy, but I’ve really been digging his sound lately. His 2013 record “Excavation” has received praise from Pitchforf, Rolling Stone, Spin, etc., which is a bit surprising as he makes some pretty punishing, frightening dark ambient/experimental music. I know he’s using the Octatrack live, and maybe in the studio as well (I suspect the album he did this year with sludge metal band The Body, “I Shall Die Here” may have had a lot of OT use). Here’s the Boiler Room set he did recently:
I’ve edited this three times, and the forum keeps posting the video in triplicate. I give. Anyhow, I think it’s cool to see the OT used in different ways, and would be interested in learning how it has impacted his work.
Hey Accent, thanks for the link, interesting stuff!
After inserting a video, don’t hit return, everytime you do it it makes a duplicate. Look at the code, you’ll see
good stuff, thanks!
Brilliant, thanks for this. Looking forward to watching as just started to get into him & already a massive fan of what he does
Sooo, Moog recently got The Haxan Cloak to make demos for the new Mother-32, as well as the soundtrack for the short film about the Voyager with Trent Reznor that I’m sure everyone has seen by now. He mentions that he used some processing on the Voyager soundtrack, and you can certainly hear some Octatrack SRR in there.
Surely, if Moog can get him for demos, Elektron can at least have a chat with him about how he uses the Octatrack?
100% would love an interview. Anyone care to hazard a guess how he’s using the Octa. He seems to be doing quite a bit on the machine. He also has a 404SX I’ve seen him use live and that Boss Delay pedal. Suppose he has it hooked up as a send coming back into the Octa?
Cool. I see the Sherman/Rodec Restyler. Fun device.
Yes. Interview. Please.
My guess is hes using it strictly to play all his processed-elsewhere material live. But that’s complete conjecture.
The Restyler is great but i don’t think it’s his. Just him, the OT and the Boss Delay (maybe as a way to transition…idk) in this video.
I had the pleasure of seeing him about this time last year…frankly through a large, high-quality PA rig he was simply mind-blowing…one of the best live experiences I’ve ever had. He played much of Excavation which has become one of my favourite ever albums.
As far as I understand it he uses the OT as a computer-less way of reproducing his studio stuff live : He uses modular gear & also records a lot of ‘real’ ( voices, strings etc ) instruments into his DAW… I think the OT plus some delay pedal action gives him a compact, convenient way of doing this live.