Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

When he left, Cenk wrote that “things took a recent sharp turn and I decided to part ways”, which doesn’t necessarily mean that there would be big changes because Cenk left.


It‘s 4 a.m., wakes up suddenly from a feverish Syntakt dream and asks himself:

„But…but wait, what if…what if OT users won‘t be happy?!?“

Eyes blink brightly in the complete darkness.

Slides back into an uncomfortable pick up machine dream…


this would rule

i’ve been dreaming about the syntakt for the last 3 nights. im having withdrawals

Maybe that sharp turn was the decision to close the Berlin presentation room to save costs.

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Old elektron seems dead for a while now. When I watch those marketing videos coming out the last two years, they seem to be aiming at a more toyish and lifestyle bla bla oriented group.

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I just posted a separate thread regarding Elektron’s recent figures. It looks as if they managed to curb their previous losses. It’s just speculation, but I guess closing Berlin and moving some manufacturing out of Sweden was part of this.


a few hundred posts earlier…


octatrack users will be very happy…

gotta do what u gotta do to survive I guess. sh1t they had to close Cenk’s new home but looks like they’d overstretched themselves. glad they’ve fixed their losses tho, that’s really good.

Pics or it didn’t happen

Yes, but …


OT users are never happy


…as many other “small” facturers, there was still a surprise, even after all the passionate and good work, of their own well owned success…after so so many years beein’ boutique solid quality for pretty much only those who know…and suddenly there was a peaking point and a huuge expotential and ongoing hype…no big wonder it leaded to some kind of first little overstretch…
and cenks mission that leaded him from sweden to berlin in first place, was indeed to find a new and fancy venue for further expansion when it comes to hq depandances…
from sweden…all around the world…so to speak…
so he did and succeeded…
cause, woof, fancy it was…but i can assure u, the rent for that palace like place was peanuts in the overall calculation…and in berlins renting market comparison…
while the information, it’s been shut down for real, is news to me…and since it was such a bargain, u’ll find me pretty surprised…
i go and have a look tomorrow…to make sure for myself…would be a pity…

and if it’s really closed foreva…the reason could poosibly way more the fact that whenever something was takin’ place there, it got damned loud…and to treat those rooms accousticly…that would have defenitly exploded all investment options… :wink:

and hey…@sid6581…actually…i am a happy octatrack user indeed…still never understanding any complaints about it… :wink:

and now…let’s have more syntax juggeling on syntakt…
@craig…is it u…?..wearin’ a new avatar outfit…?

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I think the island is purgatory and they all died when the plane crashed.


…we’re all lost… at some point…

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Cenk even went from Istanbul to UK, then to Goteborg, then to Berlin.

Except when they’re squashing audio quality myths!

Have you noticed the recent new social media campaign from elektron about the M:C and M:S? Usually before releasing a new product, few months ahead, they promote some of their existing gears, so that might be a hint.


Prob just to sell as many units as possible before everyone moves onto the next big thing

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so adding the model:cycles engine to the digitakt? that would be the most disappointing thing i can think of