Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

A lot of things are going to happen on that particular day (marketing).

Post 2222, it’s a sign.

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Back in early 2018, Ess did an AMA where he answered questions about various aspects of Elektron and this one seemed relevant:

Q: If you had unlimited amount of resources, what synthesizer would you love to build?

A: Another FM synth. Haha, no but… Physical modeling done in a more modern and straight forward way, focusing less on accurate modeling and more on interesting stuff you can do with the technology.

P.S. We totally need another @Elektron Q&A session!


I feel like physical modeling is especially interesting and relevant for percussive sounds, at least in the ways I have used it. nice find here


anima phy in a digitone box wouldnt be so bad. it would actually totally solve their interface problem

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You wouldn’t use “takt” in an LFO context in Sweden. Apart from maybe to specify the rate of it locked to bars/beats. “Hastighet” or something similar is more close to describing LFO behavior.

“Takt” is more used in the tempo context in Sweden: “4/4 takt” “halv takt” (half tempo) etc.

Fun side note: 2-stroke and 4-stroke in engines are called “2-takt” and “4-takt” in Swedish. :joy:

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Kon-takt… maybe it’s a phone :thinking:
hang on… it’s an overbridge app :thinking::bulb:

Exactly my thought…Digi-Volca Drum basically

Hehe! In dutch as well:)

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Bit of a Pavlovian response for anyone who has worked in a UK hospital.

Elektron Hastighet sounds awesome. Plus everyone would feel they “has to get” it :smiley:


And in Czech…

Maybe it’s a motorsynth competitor :thinking:

Sounds more like IKEA to be honest


every good business knows which side their bread is buttered on and if it’s the digitakt side and enough people want more butter then you give them more digitakt

But they don’t like overlapping features, so how would that work short of an MK2 Digitakt? Is the Digitone already an example of selling more digitakt butter? I wonder if that worked out as expected and how this would be different and get more digitakt users to buy, maybe by adopting the suffix instead of the prefix? Personally I would have bought it if it wasn’t FM only or at least had parameter slide, so I’m really hopeful about whatever this is.

mk2 digitrakt exactly… but if they want to implement the Model series growth evolution they’ve obtained they might push it farther enough to be called something else that would basically be a digitakt mk2 with the model samples overall workflow and the octatrack like slicing (hopefully updated slicing features though) all wrapped into one… something very powerful, not convoluted, as fun as the digitakt, and workflow evolved as the model samples with heavy hitter sample editing features, and more storage for projects, samples + stereo capability

I think if they cared overly much about overlapping features they would have never came out with a model samples… but they did, and they improved on the workflow… I don’t think they want to disregard the workflow improvements they learned and tested out with the MS

I don’t know so much about that. M:S can’t sample, can’t receive external audio from other sources, doesn’t have separate midi tracks and is generally much more basic compared to Digitakt when it comes to processing sounds. Not much overlap.

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hmm I see your point, I guess sometimes they feel similar to me cause I use them in the same way…

I just think that elektron are aware of the fact that there is a market for something as powerful leaning as an octatrack with the workflow of a model samples and the fun factor of the digitakt… just can’t see any reason for them not to fill that void and the rytm definitely is not it

or even something basically like a cross between a digitakt and an mpc one… they’d sell out

OB/Mixer/FXs in a box. OTB solved.

Someone asked Ess about how the Octatrack’s development during that AMA I mentioned and he said it was conceived as a Swiss Army knife that does lots of different tasks for a wide variety of applications and if they were to do another one then they would probably approach it in a similar manner. Not that I think there will be an Octatrack successor. Anyway, I’ll dig up the AMA and post a link to it here because it’s interesting reading!