Elektron IRC!

…a topic, that’s what’s needed…something to talk about
come over and ask your questions, share your thoughts and what not :slight_smile: sure there’ll be someone that won’t mind having a chat

Blacklisted. Can’t log in anymore :zonked:

eh!? :astonished: how come?

highest number of chatties today! (at least since i joined the channel)
c’mon guys, the more we are, the funnier it is and the more we can share…
ah…would be nice if someone would like to join in during Messe and give us some ‘insight’ :slight_smile: (think i’ll spam the other thread hihi)

Don’t know? I go through the login page, then get ‘Couldn’t connect to remote server’

mmm…perhaps you’ve got the wrong settings for the server? :confused: (i know, dumb question but you never know)
have you tried with other channels?

Hey people, get in here!

Yeah, dont miss out on the fun…

Yesterday was fun… for those who where not there…
you missed out on cooking with uncle dreammer…

So dont be a stranger… come in and join us :slight_smile:

^^ where else are you going to find something like this :smiley:


Now chatting with wascal…

he made this, and is explaining how he did it…
be quick

it’s sunday, want to chill a bit? come over and have a chat :slight_smile:
would you rather go for an A4 or a Voyager? red or blue? it’s up to you :alien: :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Today is question time…
all you ever wanted to know about uncle dreammer and the chattyfriends…

Fixed that for you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Fixed that for you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: [/quote]
thanks buddy

want to learn about odorbridge? join the chat.

Its far from finished but:

started to add instructional video’s to the channel.
as in… you ask… and you will get a link to a youtube video.

started with the elektron video’s… but will add more user-generated content soon, (that means, within this decade)

So yeah, we might talk allot about bacon, or cooking tips… or just let off some steam… but then again… we are a helpfull bunch of irc-nerds

Live streaming for those who have questions about octatrack and or machinedrum coming soon too…

So drop in and say hello, if your curious to our little corner of the interwebz…

Live stream http://youtu.be/9O3SnfdrpH8

come chat about it in the chat…

and now you missed it…

including the bit where i plugged in an unused cable instead of my mic… and me wondering why shit didnt work ha :slight_smile: u may still laugh…
but then again… you could have been there…