Elektron Analog Keys : Is discontinued

I have one sitting here that I barely use, solely because I cant find a physical place for it that makes sense… :joy:

I think it’s the best version of the three. I wish it were a little smaller, but the joystick and after touch are amazing. It’s so much fun! Hope you find one soon.


I’m nearly done driving from SF to Chicago - less than 500 miles to go today. I’ve been loading my entire studio into the car every morning, and then into the night’s hotel every evening. The AK’s box is BIG.


Just wanted to say, that the analog keys really is not a big synth - compared to almost any other synthesizer with full size keys, it’s a dwarf.


Haha - was just gonna say the same :). However, in a car, any size of synth feels too big.

AK is roughly the same size as the UltraNova (full size keys) and Jupiter Xm (mini keys). I gave my UltraNova away to the guy who bought my 6u Euro case. Jupiter is in a soft case in the trunk. I felt bad breaking down the Jupiter’s box and sending it to recycling, but there was no other way to fit it in the car.


Reality sets in….

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It feels fancy to actually need to use the luggage cart. Two loads, and that’s just for the stuff not in the trunk.

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Yeah, I’ve never been fancy enough for those either… some day maybe :thinking:

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Well, it seems to me like used prices are slowly starting to come up now, as it’s becoming harder to get one and their aura/appeal seems to be growing…

Been wanting an A4 for some time now, but the appeal for Octatrack was stronger cause I had been DREAMING about it for a few years. Then, I got a Digitone, cause I fell in love with the sounds and wanted something simpler to complement my OT.

However, a few days ago, I had a revelation that the AK seems like an absolute dream of an A4.
I didn’t know which of the MK1 or MK2 to pick… so AK it had to be!

I have been reading about it and watching videos, looking at ads, and had this feeling that they’re becoming harder to come by, and that I should get one while they’re still around for cheap.

Saw one at 650euros locally but it was already snagged, then another ad popped up, I contacted the seller who was supposed to send me a demo, but the next day, the ad was gone. I suspect the person changed their mind. Seeing multiple ads priced over a 1000 quid, I started to get a feeling of urgency :joy:

So I bit the bullet and jumped on an ebay ad for around 780e ! Apparently it’s an “ex demo” unit, which seems a little intriguing ?

Anyway, may the tale continue…


In some ways I think it’s the ultimate version, I’ve had all three. There’s pros and cons to each! It would be amazing to have a mk2 analog keys.


Even a limited edition release – build 1000 and charge a small premium.
Maybe with OLED screens ???


MkII with 8 analog plus 8 cv/midi tracks (with midi arp) and sustain pedal input would be amazing!!


According to Wikipedia, Analog Keys was released in November 2013… so happy 10th anniversary/birthday to Analog Keys! :cake: :partying_face:


And it’s still a desirable piece of kit.

I wonder what there was synth-wise released in 2003 that was still lusted after in 2013?



No real evidence of this. Always possible. Definitely desired by some who’ve posted here.

Just out of curiosity, do we know how many units of the AK were made?

We do not.

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