Elektroid, a GNU/Linux transfer application for Elektron devices

Nope, I have all those installed :confused:

Oh well, no big drama, it works, just not as pretty :slight_smile:

It would be really nice to have a resizable interface. I quite often can’t read the whole file name of some of my samples.

The window is currently resizable but not all components inside are. The only problematic component is the task list which is sometimes to narrow to be useful but I guess you’re talking about the file lists. I’m working on this at the moment.

Besides, in case you didn’t try already, take a look at a preinstalled application called “GNOME/GTK Application Style”. Maybe you can fix the icon issue by tweaking it.

Yeah, that did it, changing the icon theme away from Breeze to e.g. Adwaita or Humanity fixed it.

Oh yeah, I can maximise it by right-clicking on the top bar (hadn’t noticed that before), but I can’t find any resize handles. Maybe there’s something screwy with the GTK window decorations on my system.

Version 1.1 is out.

It includes recursive transfers and deletions, German support, a resizable task list and a lot of fixes and improvements.

I hope you enjoy it.


this is awesome - what do you use to load the sysex files?


I’m currently working to add this feature. It will be ready in some days.

In the meantime, this topic covers SysEx transmission and it’s what I would use.

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no rush - will test it in elektroid :slight_smile:

Compiled it in Raspbian Buster but it doesn’t start, also doesn’t catch interrupts. Same for elektroid-cli. What am I doing wrong @DG2? :man_shrugging:


As I tried executing the /usr/local/share/applications/elektroid file it said:
“The textfile “Elektroid” seems to be executable.”

That’s weird.
I have no clue about what’s going on but perhaps it’s related to the target architecture of your compiler toolchain.
On my PC, this is the compiled binary info.

$ file /usr/local/bin/elektroid
/usr/local/bin/elektroid: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=bf32ac845f0b1c9e9a2e48c2eda444edd442c0ca, with debug_info, not stripped

On yours, the architecture should be the Raspberry one (armel or armhf, not sure which).

Have you tried to compile and run another program using the same toolchain?

Am I even doing it right?
I opened up the terminal and typed ‘elektroid’ (same with ‘elektroid-cli ld’ for example).

The compiled binary info on my raspi:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ file /usr/local/bin/elektroid
/usr/local/bin/elektroid: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV),        
dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, 
BuildID[sha1]=5c4e1ddc4132b1404dcfd16d995d0cb303d111fb, with debug_info, 
not stripped

Could you compare this to the output of, let’s say, file /bin/bash to see if there are any differences?
Besides, run elektroid -v -v to see if it ouputs anything.
Maybe you can try to list the libraries used by your own binary with ldd to check if any does not match your architecture. Perhaps, run it under gdb; it might say something.
I’m out of ideas, sorry.

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I forgot to mention that Elektroid made its way into Debian Sid some days ago. :tada:
Here are the details and there is even an arm64 package. It might work for you.


I’ll try it out asap. I appreciate your help!!! :grin:

I tried to install it with:
sudo dpkg -i /home/pi/Downloads/elektroid_1.1-1_arm64.deb

and it gives me the error:

package architecture (amd64) does not match system (armhf)

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B v1.2 (2015) with a Quad Core 1.2GHz Broadcom BCM2837 SoC (ARM Cortex-A53 1200 MHz 64bit CPU)

So I found out that the raspi has an armhf (armv7l) architecture. Which elektroid package could work? (Sorry for the noob question :sweat_smile:)

Great news ! Not that it was difficult to compile but hey… an apt install is still easier. :slight_smile:

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On what system if I may ask? :smiley: @acidhouseforall

I’m currently on debian buster (yes, I switched from Ubuntu to Debian)

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I also tried to install it on Ubuntu 18.04 but couldn’t get the ALSA libasound2 update from 1.1.3 to 1.1.8, so I downloaded and made a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 system and it loads all correct versions of all dependencies and it works like a charm.

BUT I still have to get it running on my Raspberry Pi 3 :frowning:

The ubuntu I tried was 19.04, with no problem compiling, so I guess anything past this should work ok. My only Raspberry runs recalbox so I can’t really help here :wink:

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