Ear training software?

Does anyone have any recommendations for ear training software? My commute has changed again and I’m looking for something I could use on my iPhone.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations.

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I’m happy with perfect ear, does the trick.

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JazzAdvice’s Ear Training is really good. The MP3’s are well done so that, along with when you actively work the exercises, they also have a lot of benefit for ingraining intervals and chord types (both basic and advanced) by osmosis when you just leave a recording on repeat in your ears.

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is ‘syntorial’ also eartraining software?

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Maybe check https://www.soundgym.co/site/index
Never really used it but it sounds like what you’re looking for

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No, not for papertiger’s purposes.

Sorry, can’t think of an ear training app as I don’t use one as often as I thought I would. I use BeatTime and Anytune to pick out melodies and stuff from recordings but that’s a different kind of ear training

maybe not ideal for on the run, but great to bookmark:


(you can change the settings to concentrate on a few intervals at a time)