DT & DN don't change channels in sync when using different time signatures

Hi dear Elektronauts,

I’ve been playing with some polyrhytms on the digitakt and that works great for me. I love that Elektron made that so easy. NOw I’m trying the same thing on the Digitone

I have the digitakt hooked up to my digitone and I’m trying to play a melody on the Digitone in 64/64 60/64 and 56/64. Sounds great! But when I want to change patterns in sync, the digitone is always late. I’ve got the M. Len on INF and been trying to fix it with different CH Len, but nothings seems to solve the problem.

I’ve checked the manual and this lovely forum, but I can’t seem to find an answer just yet. Somebody else encountered this problem?

I never use CH.LEN but I often use different scale lengths on both DT & DN, M.LEN has to be set the same on both units in order for them to switch at the same time. That said, if you have a 60/64 with a M.LEN of say 128 you will eventually have the first 8 bars repeat to fill in those missing steps and to make sure that the DN/DT are in sync.

Setting M.LEN and CH.LEN on both machines to the same values should work, shouldn’t it?

Also make sure you have the latest firmware versions installed.

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Yes. But in my case OT is master DN is slave. DN was changing patterns late. No idea why. Both machines set to master seq INF, chain after 16 steps.

Thanks for your replies! Setting the M.LEN to 128 for examples does the trick. I’ve had it set to INF before, because that setting is great for just polyrhytms on the DT alone.

It’s still too bad that I cant seem to let the track play for an undefined amount of time and then switch on the next bar. But I can understand the limitation.