DT default template ideas?

I should probably get around to setting up a default template to fast track my workflow.

How are other people doing this?

I’m thinking that I might have a ‘New Project’ file, that has some core drum sounds on Patterns 9-16, so each Pattern functions as a default Drum Kit that can be copied onto a working pattern (Pattern No. 1), when starting a new project.

I could also set up all my default MIDI mapping for my other hardware on those Patterns, too.

Any other ideas? What do you do?


On a template project I’d set my favorite global settings, load a few of my favorite samples, sounds, then set a pattern with my favourite settings (including lfos).

I’d duplicate these settings to all patterns.

Specific settings like sequence or lfos on patterns of the last bank.


Sample chains all set up the exact same way (kick, Tom, snare, clap, etc) with each track set to sample length 20 and start points 0, 20, 40, 60 and so on

That way when you change track sample assignment on for example the clap track it’s always a clap. Makes it super easy to program a beat and then find the right sound by turning one knob. New kits just fall out of this method. Was worth the hours spent setting up and exporting the chains


I erase the default samples and then load 8 favorites carefully, in order, so the project automatically replaces them.

I often make utility patterns or tracks for different setups or use cases, and keep those in bank H.

Because copying patterns between projects is the most miserable chore on the whole box, at this phase I like to fill up a project with drafts, make a copy where I consolidate all the best or finished material onto the later banks, and start fresh on bank A. That way consolidating a set can be more about erasing copies than transferring patterns.

Curious how others keep things organized.


Definitely worth having a good template!
I have the first 8 tracks replaced with 909 sounds.
I also do all my midi settings and adjust volume of all the tracks on one pattern and then copy and paste to every single pattern in all the banks…bit of a chore but once it’s done it’s done!
I also have LFO 1 set to volume and LFO 2 set to filter on all tracks, so that I can hold track and do a filter sweep or a tremolo type effect on all tracks simultaneously for a quick fill type of thing.


Presetup your midi tracks too
Midi channel , midi cc controllers etc.
Put filter / resonance on same Knobs so you don’t have to think about them
Setup external inputs , mixer setting … Dave delay etc etc.

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Oh and will the lock device in the menu prevent overwriting the Template by accident?

(But you would be able to save projects begun from the template, but as a doffernet name, right?)

I’ll, have to try that.

I’ve never been convinced of the utility of sample chains, but you may have changed my opinion on that.

Do you even find that it’s hard to get the sample start on exactly the right spot?

[quote=“Humanprogram, post:4, topic:188303”]
I often make utility patterns or tracks for different setups or use cases, and keep those in bank H. [/quote]

Interesting. What sort of different use cases do you use this for?

Im not 100% sure what you intend here.

Are you saying that after you’ve made a bunch of variations on your project, that you copy that project, and copy all your patterns to the later banks and start fresh on Bank A? Why do you do that?

Not hard if you do the prep in a DAW. You could do it on the DT with resampling… but why? Wayyy faster setting up in a daw, batch renaming, etc. I name them all “kit-xxxx” where xxxx is a four letter word generated from an online word generator (so that each kit gets a unique name I can start to associate with that kit). Sometimes “-909” or “LINN” or something if it’s got that specific sound.

It’s really precise especially if you push and turn the sample start parameter knob to snap to multiples of 4.

When exporting from a daw make sure the samples are not warped/time stretched. Then play around with the project bpm, in it “stretches” the sample to fit within the given spacing of the beats (faster bpm=the sample may end up overlapping the next sample, but creates a shorter total sample chain duration.). For longer samples like long 808s good to set a slower bpm so it fits before exporting.

I shared my kits a while back. You can grab them here for free. A free, pre’sliced’ pack of sample chains for your DT (mostly analog drums)


I use the sound pool, on some saved sounds I only use the saved parameters and switch out the sample. I find it much faster and way more flexible than copying a “template” pattern.

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If you use sounds then It makes using sample chains even easier as all the start / end points would already be dealt with
Another area that you could pre load into a template though personally I rarely use them

I tend to save a template pattern when I work out how to do something I might want again: one to capture perfect 4-bar loops from external gear, a Syntakt-style FX scenes setup, a group of tracks to “record scratch” a playing longer sample, etc.

When creating a new project, I always just find it easier to make a copy of the project I’m on and to erase what I don’t want to access again, rather than copying old patterns or templates into an empty project—the load times between project swaps for bringing even a few templates and patterns from one project to another are more tedious than I realized once.

All in all, my process might be pretty idiosyncratic, but that’s how I’ve worked out organizing things…

I also like that song mode allows me to forget to some extent what pattern is located where (and which track does what), and makes having organized banks of patterns less important.