Drum triggers and midi

I know the polyphony on the octatrack is four for midi. Just say i am using the OT to sequence an external drum module. I play the beat-good, when i do overdubs to put in some hats the original notes get overwritten. I know you can manually stack the drum notes–long time-- compared to doing live overdubs.So you want to preserve what is already recorded on that particular trigger. Am I making sense?

You could use multiple midi tracks set to the same channel as the drum module.

I see. Further, it seems you need to play the notes simultaneously in the same pass to record all 4 on the same trigger. Overdub just erases,pity, hopefully can be addressed in the future OS

I generally use 4 midi tracks to sequence my (single) drum machine.

Yeah I use multiple MIDI tracks, which is great! but I have to record them else where.

I was thinking that being able to “bounce” 4 MIDI tracks down to one internally would be neat and feel more like how we are able to use the audio side of the machine, with resampling. tbh, locking all those +/- numbers in 1 track manually for drums isn’t something I feel like doing often. :slight_smile:

my complaint about the OT has always been the lack of inputs…I have 8 tracks, why not give me at least 8 inputs :wink:

since I’m asking for something that won’t happen, why not 8 stereo inputs heheh

  • 8 stereo out and some busses