Drum Sample Packs

Not neccessarily strictly OT related but can anyone recommend me some decent sample packs other that the OT packs on the site? Punchy one hit drum samles are what I’m after but I find myself dissapointed with the ones I purchase.


Wave Alchemy, Goldbaby, etc

Thanks. Yea I’ve got a couple WaveAlchemy packs which I like, checking out Goldbaby now. Cheers.

I don’t mean to hijack this but I just came here to ask nearly the same thing.

What would be a good ‘realistic’ drum sample set to get? I’ve seen the WaveAlchemy synth drum pack but it is still all artificial (I’m new to sample packs so maybe I missed something).

Hardly hijacking, I’m after this as well as synth drums myself. I’ve often found myself ripping one hits from vinyl drum breaks but you’re limited in how you can capture them.

I’ve been meaning to ask the same thing too actually!

Just noticed an email from Sample Magic I got last week for:


Might be worth checking out. I have one of the Chillwave packs which I enjoy using very much.

edit - in fact, check out volume 1 which sounds excellent. too in the demos.

On a similar note, does anyone layer up kicks and resample them in Octa? Im trying to get that detroit (theo parrish/moodyman) type kick which (sounds to me) like an acoustic/funk kick ripped off some record layered with a heavier analogue kick. Ive tried but never sounds that good…

check zenhiser maybe. the’yre a bit less expensive if i’m not mistaken

I want the drum sounds from the Vintage Breaks pack on Sample Magic, but that pack looks like it is all break beat loops… damn.

Also, I think I found what every dark dubstep artist has been using on the Zenhiser site. Transformer FX lol.

And my search continues. I never thought I would not like seeing so much house, EDM, and techno samples.

Ok found this free sample pack

This seems to be what I have been looking for.

I got the Samplemagics Drums Hits vol1 and totally happy with it. Loaded in my MD and OT.

Set up some blast beats, Pickup Machine to record chugging riffage and tell the OT to start playing it’s sequencer, solo over top.

Good times.

Computer Music 's 200th February 2014 issue gives you a free GoldBaby sample package

Maybe you like to read AND get some samples?

A mass of free but very useable samples you get from Rekkert:


Download the archive with 1.4 GB sample material.

Thanks for the links, some good finds here, exactly what I was after.

There’s loads of free samples here: http://bedroomproducersblog.com/2010/09/16/free-sample-shootout-5-the-best-free-drum-machine-samples/

The site also has free drum breaks, and other samples.

This is also good: http://bedroomproducersblog.com/2010/09/16/free-sample-shootout-5-the-best-free-drum-machine-samples/

Lastly, check out freesounds. vast collection, pretty much my go to place for metallic hits and eclectic sounds http://www.freesound.org

Get yourself a drum machine, much more fun than sifting through hundreds of samples or the pain of having to create sample chains

No way. Not until the Analog Rytm is on sale :wink:

Free Legowelt drum pack.



Some great free drum packs:
