Downsizing Your Hardware

Edit: please don’t use this as a place to tease sales. If you plan on listing something here very soon, consider not mentioning that specific device. I don’t want to indirectly be the cause of a marketplace kerfluffle and value the discussions happening here.

Inspired by @Cosmic 's suggestion in the NGNY thread, my own personal experiences this year, and the vague idea of NGNY. I went through a lot of gear this year, most of which was bought and sold in a relatively short timeframe (6 months or less), and most of which did nothing to help me achieve my goal of actually finishing tracks. I’ve got a few things on the potential chopping block, and it seems like others are in a similar situation, whether that be from financial pressure, space, productivity goals, too much choice, etc.

I don’t personally care for strict rules like NGNY (no offense to those who find it deeply valuable, I admire the discipline it can take), but I have been contemplating for the last few weeks a ‘softer’ approach to a similar goal - reducing my consumption and focusing more on what I can do with what I’ve got… and keeping my synth stuff from sprawling all over the apartment. I’d like this thread to aim to encourage each other to reduce our gear or keeping things confined/ contained, and to discuss how we go about that, or how we’re feeling. I would like this not to become some kind of general anti-GAS thread, guilt thread, or anti-consumerism thread. While this certainly touches those subjects, there’s plenty of that kind of discussion all over the synth-internet and loads of excellent advice if you want it.

Maybe this means selling all but the bare essentials. Maybe that’s NGNY with one exception. Maybe it’s a one-in-one-out policy, or limiting it to a specific amount of space or number of interface inputs. Maybe it’s a complete hardware purge. Maybe we can post the tunes or jams we make when trying to squeeze the most out of what we have in ways we haven’t before.

My personal goal is to be down at least one or two pieces by 2024’s end, and will be instituting a ‘soft’ one-in-one-out policy. I’m also starting to dislike having instruments sitting around that I don’t use at least once every couple months. If I haven’t touched something in 6 months - or if I get frustrated every time I do - do I really need it? If I eliminate a few pieces, I can get rid of my patch bay, reduce cable clutter, and eliminate one more source of noise/ troubleshooting.

What are you going to do? Are you going to downsize at all? Are you happy where things are?


i love this kind of standalone playing in the bed thingy


which one? :slight_smile:

Super quotable. :rofl:


elektron digischlong


I hit the tipping point of too much gear when I acquired a Perfourmer. As I mentioned in another thread here its just too big for my makeshift home studio. It also requires a lot of time spent twiddling knobs, but I’ve been making a conscious effort to move back towards just physically playing a keyboard - that’s where my background is and that’s the part I want to connect with again.
I’m going to sell the Perfourmer and I might put a couple of Chase Bliss pedals on the block because once again, they are knob twiddling devices and I haven’t found use cases to justify the money I could get for them.


that’s no sampler



alright. i need to write a non-nonsense response. i probably won’t downsize. there is a a part in me which thinks, that M:S or M:C will be a great starting setup for teenagers. at the same time it feels like the digitakt is becoming an extension of my body :smiley:
i got really fast. like really really fast in plotting ideas down. i’m currently using my daw only for the finishing touches. and since i want to reduce my pc time i’ll probably buy even more gear. so nope. no downsizing in 2024 for me

edit: i’m really playaing a lot with my standalone sampler when my wife falls asleep. i’m probably sitting in the same bed as @Passenger_3


Nice! I don’t think I’ll ever go full itb, but the Syntakt, Push 3 and m8 have all shown me the absolute joy of just working on one box on the couch/ in bed.


I’m happy enough with where things are right now that I’m considering selling things other than Euro and other than to complete trades for things I really want. Unfortunately, the things I’m interested in letting go are big and might cost more to ship than they are worth.

As usual, I won’t accept sell or trade offers unless they quote one of my posts in the sell fourm. (intent here is to avoid having this thread moved to the buy/sell area)

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I feel this! My background isn’t in keyboard, but there’s an expressivity I achieve even with my mediocre keyboard skills that I don’t quite reach on pads of any kind. I also understand about the Perfourmer. It’s a cool device, but it’s an absolute behemoth.

And that’s cool too! It’s amazing how quick the DT gets when you’re practiced with it. It’s actually one of the things that has me thinking about downsizing a bit - I can do so much with DT.

Yeah, that’s why I’m not mentioning anything that could end up on the chopping block. I really want this to be a discussion like how the NGNY thread is, not a series of soft sales pitches.

Also feel this. When I sold my Minibrute 2s and Rackbrute together, the shipping charge plus insurance was so steep I made almost nothing. I was glad to reclaim the space, though.


Sold most of my modular stuff, OT, AR and got a Push 3 standalone . Honeymoon is hard with this one but my goal is to build an half Improvisation set with it because I am an Ableton live veteran since 7 and love the workflow. Didn’t gel with the push 2 because you always need a laptop but Push 3 is so powerful o don’t need any hardware synth to complement it.


This is a tricky question.

I’ve sold a lot of gear during the past year: Minikorg 700fs, Perfourmer mk2, MDUW, Dynacord Echocord Super, DBA Rooms to mention some and I don’t miss any of it but still I’ve got gear I don’t need in order to make music. I sold them bcs I had to in order to pay the bills.

Minimizing the amount of gear does feel like a refreshing direction after mindlessly hoarding tons of stuff but just putting most of it out of sight might be a better solution to start with, if you don’t have to sell it. Go figure.


Same! My plan initially was to pair it with the Typhon and S-1. Fors’ Lode synth does more or less everything I wanted Typhon to do (weird issues with m4L on the Push 3 SA aside).

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Sell the patchbay? Noooo! I’m all for downsizing, but the convenience and organizational powers of the patch bay mean (to me) it should never leave. It saves you from clutter and preserves mental ovehead.


Yeah, this is kind of where I’m at currently with things. If I box it up and don’t miss it/ don’t want to pull it out, I can probably safely get rid of it. I don’t want to just flog a bunch of stuff and then realize I was just reacting to my collection phase/ overcorrecting though, hence boxing things up. I don’t think it’s bad to own things, but space, inputs, and my attention are all at a premium.


Yeah exactly. Not totally sure what to do either. :slight_smile:
I’m starting to think, especially with the Elektron gear that controllers would be a smart move for more expression. A Faderfox or something so that parameters on different pages would be tweakable simultaneously.

edit: I meant that if I was to sell more synths I’d want more control over the ones Id keep.


Honestly I didn’t use it for the first year I owned it. I finally wired everything up to it a month or two ago, and all it really did was cost me more money in cable purchases and generate noise. There’s theoretically great value in a patch bay, even in my setup, and it’s a good solution for a lot of problems - but one that just annoys me and doesn’t provide quite enough utility for me personally.

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Bummer. I’m really happy with mine. I don’t think I could ever go back, at least in the permanent studio area.


i only downsize in terms of unit size, not units quantity.
and will happily continue doing that, because portability is my fetish.