Does the AK have poly aftertouch in MIDI controller mode?

As the title says I’m looking to see if the AK will transmit poly aftertouch over MIDI. I am not referring to playing the built in synth tracks with ploy aftertouch. The reason I ask is I am getting a Novation Peak soon and my only controller keyboard is the Analog Keys. After seeing some examples of poly aftertouch on the Peak I am intrigued by what can be done with it.

I very much doubt it offers polyphonic aftertouch

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Damn. Well off to request a few features.

I also have a few requests for the AR. Second LFO (doubt they will but hey) and performance pad slots being a destination for the LFO.

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While you’re out, could you make a request for me as well?

pan dials on perf pg 2?

Thanx :slight_smile:

Sure thing. I’m submitting it now.

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