Does a damn external midi clock exist?

WTF? I really misses that one. Looks like a great product! (Edit: ok the bang for bucks is nice but while looking at the manual I get the feeling that the UX is a bit of a PITA because there’s a shitload of hidden functionality. They also missed the opportunity to make the polarity of the MIDI TRS port configurable)

Since we’re already on suggesting products, here’s another hidden gem for clocking duties. This one is especially useful for live performances because it helps you counting bars: Conduct Machina

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I ended up buying an E-RM midiclock. That seems to be the closest to what I need. Thanks for all your replies…

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I actually have a splitter. I built it myself, its 2in 5 out. And I plan on running the E-RM midi clock I just bought into it to split out the clock.

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I’ve had Octatrack (MKII) stashed away for a while now, but I plugged it in a moment ago to test and try to verify this for you. Unfortunately, I’m unable to use an external MIDI clock + the pickup machine to record now.

I hope that I’m simply doing something wrong and that I didn’t just imagine this was functioning previously. I seem to recall using it to great effect on a few occasions and I believe that included overdub. I also remember that I only couldn’t change tempo (or that would interrupt recording).

It does offer a lot of solidly working features for the price, thanks.

The UI is a bit different from other products, that point I will concede, however the configurations that require looking in the user manual to set up, are nearly all in the global settings. The performance based functions are all pretty much right in front of you and easy to learn.

If my initial reaction to seeing a piece of gear is positive, then I later learn that advanced configuration features existed deeper inside, I would actually view that as a positive for anyone who wants flexibility, regardless if that means they will need to look in the manual to know how to set them up.

Case in point. haha.

+1 for ER-M Multiclock. Bomber solid piece of kit. Worth its weight in gold.

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