Do you have a synth that makes you sad?

I would like to assure you the synth was the same as the time you acquired it. It can be a trigger point at most. I’d say that sadness is a state of mind reflecting your thoughts and environment. Unless you are telling me the device only let’s you play in minor or solina-esque strings lol

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ASM Hydrasynth KB

Great sound, great keys, great features.
But the added latency that came with some of the OSC mod features I leaned on the most just overshadowed the things I loved about it.

Turned my smiles into frowns.

But I’m excited for what they do next.


I’ve been making all my beats on a Digitone, Rytm2 is boxed up in the closet. Makes me sad.


A couple of months ago when commuting home from work on my bicycle, my back wheel slipped into a rail track and I went over my handlebars, dinged myself up pretty good, but luckily nothing broken, and no concussion (or worse) thanks to my helmet. My bike though still has a massively bent back wheel, and I haven’t gotten it fixed, even though I know I want to get back to commuting by bicycle. I have other things going on right now, my siblings and I having to start to really seriously step in to help our aging parents who between them are experiencing dementia/cancer/strokes. Somehow I feel it’s all tied together. And I really haven’t been playing as much since all of this, except for occasional frenetic bursts late night after drink and smoke. It makes me sad. Or rather, it is that I am sad. The break in my connection to my instruments is part of this sadness. Maybe your cannabis use and falling out from your instrument are both connected to something deeper as well.


Is it pop music that makes me sad, or I’m sad and I like pop music?
Quote from a film.I don’t remember, maybe from Clerks.


well, sort of. three units. Command Stations.
i LOVE them — but they are way too heavy & cumbersome to bring them to gigs.

I’m sorry to hear about that and can sympathize with the parent situation. My aging Mom totaled her car a month or so ago, she doesn’t have much money saved, not sure if she should still be driving etc., so have to drive down there weekly to get things done. A person cannot always motivate themselves to do the things they enjoy when life gets hectic and time gets so tight at times. I tell myself I’m going to work on things after dinner but end up feeling too drained so I just watch Inspector Morse or whatever before nodding off.

Something else did happen when I stopped touching that synth… I can’t get into it as it just feels wrong to write about it, but something really bad happened to my friend and his family but somehow it makes me feel cheap or something to connect such a tragedy to something as insignificant as me not using a synthesizer, so I kinda push that out of my mind. Maybe it’s me repressing latent grief, I don’t know… the heavy cannabis use started before that though.


My Alpha Juno keeps breaking. It’s my workhorse synth and I love it, but what an unreliable workhorse it is.

Well, last night I finally unstuck myself and made amends with my old friend. He seemed happy to receive me and showed me patches we made together which we laughed and cried over. I woke up this morning, had a bit of coffee, and like two lovers after a night of intimacy, we sat and talked for an hour as the sun rose, feeling more connected than ever.

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my gf bought me a TD-3 for christmas but we broke up shortly after my gig the other night in horrible circumstances so i currently can’t stand to look at it cos it makes me cry


Say all you want, but E minor is the signature heartbreak sound. Every single sad love song is in E minor.

You don’t even need absolute pitch. You know when you hear it 🥲

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The SH 101 I don’t own


Sad that you don’t own it anymore?

I still think the track you made solely from that synth was excellent!

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I mean the original. But thanks for the compliment :slightly_smiling_face: Maybe I get one of the clones again

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Sad, no.
Angry? Holy crap.
But always, always at my own lazy/ignorant/chaotic self.
It can be very therapeutic at times.

Also, not constantly giving myself shit for it, or for not turning stuff on for a few days, if I don’t feel it.
Glad I left that phase behind.

I’m in a very lucky position in that it’s all just a fucking great hobby.

However, to OPs question.
I know that, getting a synth and not really digging into it from the get-go. Even barely touching it for weeks. But they’ve all come around for me at some point and I knew they would. (yeah, I’m just convincing myself…)

But I know exactly why I got every single piece (at least in the last 5-10 years), and despite some overlap, never actually resold anything.

I spend a crazy amount of time in my decision process usually, before ever pushing the button, rarely ever any impulse buying (the last one was and I’m on a bit of a diet now).
Still, no actual disappointments.

Looking around my room makes me happy even on days when the pretty lights are off.

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My notation x-station 25 is maybe the only synth i have which make me sad.
It has decent polyphony, but it’s bulky for it’s size. And it’s not so good as a bassline synth, more decent as a poly synth but it require another midi keyboard to fully operate it.

One day 10 years ago my cat decide to use it as cat litter, don’t know how my cat manage that, but the bottom of the keybed was filled and some key refuse to work anymore. After lots of weekend work to clean it up completely. I was able to solve all it’s issue and make the synth fully cleanup. It was the only disaster made by my cat. It took me quite a lots of time to fix.

But it’s still not a synth I’m able to do anything about it.
My first real synth, but I have never done anything with it. Just played the preset. And I don’t fully master it on all it’s possibility.
Sad story for a synth that I bought new around 15 years ago.

Other synth which make me sad was a korg ms2000, I bought one year after they novation, which was second hand. It was half broken but the sound worked but not everything was working. All preset was quite horrible. I discovered that it was not me or preset after multiple attempts and saying to myself, curious it sound so weird.
It finish in a trash after multiple attempts…

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I got in on the last preorder batch of the S2400 in the late fall of 2020. It was a self reward for making it through the first part of the pandemic and maintaining the last bit of sanity I have. It didn’t arrive until the following summer. I’ve played with it twice but no bond has yet been made. I’m not averse to the idea that I’ll one day really digging in to it but right now I just don’t have the bandwidth. I suppose that could be considered making me sad.

I haven’t been musically productive for most of the last two years. I’m not particularly inspired as of late. This, to me, is much more sad.

I assume a lot of people here, like a lot of folks everywhere, the last few years have taken a toll on general mental health and wellbeing. I would guess that it’s going to take quite sometime for some sort of healing to happen.


I get a bit of a stomach-churning reaction to seeing an Octatrack in the flesh. Not because I hate them but because I find them so unappealing to use despite how powerful they are. I have the tug of GAS and the horror of knowing I’d just sell it again.

I have similar reactions to the classic semi-modular Dreadbox synths. They sound great but semi-modular just ain’t for me. I had an Erebus V2 and V3, sold 'em both with a heavy heart.


Yea, I really feel that and can’t figure out if it’s our times or simple my time.

