DIY box with switch for selectable attenuation

Hello guys, I am happy user of stompboxes to dirtify synth and beats…

I normally use them through a Radial EXTC-SA which is very nice…but, sometimes I need stereo duties or quicker setup…

So I was thinking to integrate two cables which benefit from resistors attenuation like described in this nice SOS article:

My idea, though, is to build a small box with two inputs/two outputs and a selector to choose between 3 positions, so I can have three different attenuations (20-25-30 dB).

Now…I need those of you to help me finding the right components (selector mainly) and, if you’re so kind, how to exactly perform the wiring.
I’ll give you back all my gratitude and and hospitality in my hometown if you ever happen to come over in Salento (South Italy)

Thanks in advance

…maybe something like this could work: :relaxed:

edit: eemm…big enough picture right? :grin: (sorry, didn’t realize it was a bit tooo big)

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2 hands required to operate :joy:

:laughing: …you get more control… :grin:

Thanks,does it have a specific name/model to be called with ?
like…4positions – 3 positions?


thanks for the suggestion…I’ve got even a third one …