Digitone midi keyboard ctrl current track

Hey fellow nauts,
does ctrl selected track channel only work via midi cable? Also cant browse sounds using an external keyboard?I cant figure out how to use a usb midi keyboard connected via DAW to achieve the same functionality with DN plugin.
I hate flipping midi channels and really liked that with BS2 connected. :pleading_face:

The auto channel will do this for you. You’ll find it in your midi settings of the DN, it’s usually configured to midi channel 10 I think. Just set your keyboard to the same channel as the auto channel and everything should work as you’re expecting.

This will allow you to switch between tracks on the DN and have your keyboard play notes on the currently selected track. If you open the sound browser window, notes entered on the keyboard will preview the current sound in the browser window :).

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For some reason didnt seem to work yesterday. It worked great when midi in was used but i try to control using overbridge