DIGITONE MIDI IN - select the track


i have a device sending midi information to the DIGITONE Keys via MIDI IN.

As it is set up now, the midi signal takes the sound of any selected track. How can I make it stick with the sound of T1 only even when i switch to another track? i’d like to be able to use T2, T3 and T4 separately.

Thanks for your insights :slight_smile:

Routing MIDI to the current track is handled by the AUTO-CHANNEL settings. Right now, you probably have the Auto-Channel set to some channel number, and your controller sending on the same channel.

You can get what you want two ways:

  1. Turn off the auto-channel entirely. Now the DN will only play on the channel you send it - so make sure the channel for the track you want matches the sender’s channel
  2. Or… set the auto channel to something different from the track you want to control.

Auto-channel is usually set in MIDI Channels config on other Elektrons.

As mentioned, you are sending MIDI to the auto-channel which will control the currently selected track. If you want to record the MIDI information that you are sending to a track, this is the only way to do so.

In MIDI Settings, you can also set each track to have their own channel. You can then send MIDI exclusively to each track. This is independent of the track you select on the machine itself.

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