Digitone Keys without the keys

I already have two bags to carry: A Gator G-Mix 20x30 for all my gear and a Peli 1200 for other stuff. I got no third arm for carrying another bag and my stuff is already heavy enough :wink:

Yes, do it!
And document it, please. :happy:
I think thats a great idea, really, its hilarious! :ecstatic:
While others mod their digitones to their own needs in an additive approach (ext. keyboard, midi controller, etc.), you make it subtractive - cool. :cool:
The hard part will be, where you could put the controller knobs which are located above the keys?
But it would be an outstanding device with individual outs, pitch and mod wheel and performance knobs.

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I care a lot about the effects of my outboard. The integrated effects are sounding good and such but they’re too unflexible for me. Maybe it would be ok if I could pan the delay and reverb to one output as well.

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Go for it!

I bet it’s separate circuit boards inside.

The only circuits to the right should be the extra 8 controls, the buttons for the modes etc…

If you cut the case nicely enough you could just put a metal panel (get it powder coated to match) on the right side.
You could even potential move the extra controls above the existing design potentially.

Since the outs are above the mod/pitch wheels you’d have to keep those but it would make it unique for sure.

Best bet is to open it up and take a look first.

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Just do it. Make the keyboard removable and still usable.
I believe @Airyck will tell you if it’s possible, testing removing ribbon cables…Did you opened it ?

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When they’re mounted on a PCB I don’t think that I would include them.

I don’t understand why people are losing their shit here. If the DN is modular on the inside there’s nothing wrong with putting the PCBs into another housing.

The big question is how the PCBs are connected (my guess is some ribbon cable) and whether there are any software dependencies to the keyboard or controller parts which would cause trouble once the boards are missing. If this wouldn’t work out or if I want to sell the device, I’d just assemble it again.

I love my keys, but why not. If you take the panel off and show us some pics of the insides (like @sezare56 says) we can help to catch any pitfalls you might come across.

It’s your synth to do what you want with. Don’t let other people convince you otherwise (still listen to their reasonable advice of course, when it’s reasonable).

I get where you’re coming from too. My Digitakt is almost on the chopping block now because I’m torn by the fact it doesn’t have multiple outs.


The most likely scenarios is the that the buttons and knobs are connected to a multiplexer somewhere in the main circuit. You should have any issues with them floating. I’d definitely disconnect cables from those circuits first and do some testing.

When you don’t want it for live use, you could try the Raspberry Pi solution. There are good chances that this will work out with some research and some Linux basics. Otherwise I have concerns about the stability of the current driver implementation.

It sits in the shadow of my Analog Rytm MKII now so it’s getting less and less needed.

edit: I am considering using all 8 tracks on it for one or two very complex sounds, where it wouldn’t matter if it only has a set of stereo outs.

2 Digitones = 4 individual mono outs, 4 inputs…:content:


Oh dude of course it’s your decision! That was never in question. I’m just saying that it’s a bad idea :wink:


Yep, it likely is haha. I’ve broken a lot of things, but I’ve fixed and created way more because of it (breaking was more in my early learning stages). Depends on the OP’s confidence in his skills and levels of courage. As long as he’s aware of the risks and still wants to go ahead with it, he could get exactly what he wants.

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The gig bag works as a backpack, but yeah the keys is a bit heavier than you might expect due to the metal case

You are talking like you have some deep knowledge about the hardware and software internals but for some reason you don’t want to share it. So please give me some objective technical reasons besides “you could break it”. That’s what I’m asking for in this thread.

Nah I’ve just seen so many keyboard removals/synth mods on reddit and other forums turn out so badly, horrible jobs with hacksaws and dremels etc… and I also question the return on your time and effort versus just getting the dedicated bag for the Keys… but! If you’ve got some awesome fabrication skills and think you can make this work in a really clean way, you should go for it. I’ve also seen some amazing mods, like this one Minilogue that was converted, and some members on here have made entire new enclosures for Elektron gear that look 100% professional. If you’ve got the skills, hit it up! Do you have the skills?

where’s the guy that took a sawzall to his Moog Sub Fatty to make it a module…?

it’s funny that you want to bring all these outboard effects and a mixer or whatever to be able to do external processing, which all in itself likely is larger and heavier than the keys part of the DN keys that you’re objecting to. I’d say cut down on all of this and use the non-keys DN with overbridge to get individual tracks, then buy a small midi controller to control plugins on these tracks. or if you’re OK trashing half of a $1000 synth, instead just look for two used (non-key) DN’s. it’ll cost slightly more but you’ll get your individual tracks, plus a lot more, and you’re not destroying something you paid hundreds of dollars for but then can never sell.

but yeah… it’s yours so have at it if you want! just make sure to post pics!

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It’s not how you might think…

Using an USB audio interface (which is also my mixer), the Mod Duo X can serve 4 stereo effect channels or even more, depending on the complexity of the patch.

If this thing would come to iOS it could be an option for me to consider. I’ll not bring a laptop to the stage.

Two of them are too big and don’t fit in my case. With this space available I’d have to consider other synth modules too.

I’m particularly sensible to that thread because I removed the keys of my Taktile 49 keyboard to put 2 Elektrons in. I made a live with it.
Couldn’t find pictures except this photoshoping, and another one with Blofeld, but a regular 49 keys keyboard match really well to 2 regular Elektrons (original silver size as reference :content: ). Btw, it should match 3 Digis size.
Fully functional, but I’m missing the keys with that setup. :smile:
Keys are still the best for midi notes control imho! (guitarist talking)

Hoping it can give ideas to @klaustrophil for a compact setup without destroying gear!



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