Digitone Keys HOLD button cc/nrpn transmitted


Would someone please tell me what cc/nrpn the DK transmits to achieve the midi ‘HOLD’ functionality? I’d appreciate knowing this, if someone would be good enough to hook their DK to a midi monitor of some sort and letting me know that would be great.

I’m trying to get my A4 to latch/hold when just playing the synth (not sequencing). The A4 does not respond to a sustain pedal from an external keyboard as discussed here:

The last poster states that their Digitone Keys has a ‘hold’ button, but the manual does not state what midi message is transmitted to achieve this (from what I read in the midi implementation charts at the end of the manual).

I’ve tried sending cc 69 (hold 2) but that does not work:

“Another way to “hold notes” (see MIDI CC 64 and MIDI CC 66). However notes fade out according to their release parameter rather than when the pedal is released.”

But it would have to respond if the external keyboard is controlled by said Sus pedal and then sent to A4

As you mention, the A4 won’t parse sustain, so I think the DNK message will make no difference, but I’m happy to sniff that on a midi monitor ftr. Will report back shortly

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Thank you

The ‘hold’ button doesn’t transmit anything at all when pressed in isolation

If you hold a note and press it, the note off message is ignored when you release the keyboard key

when that ‘hold’ button is finally released, any note-offs ‘ignored’ will be spat out together

It’s a lazy button to keep keys pressed or to ignore note-offs

this won’t help you wrt the A4

i haven’t tried the sustain pedal input a cv control port on rear, it will be exactly the same - it will silence note-offs

not sure there is a way to get A4 to hold, unless the keyboard messages coming externally are themselves held - i.e. the A4 won’t ignore key offs it will just await them when they arrive

Thanks for checking, it’s appreciated. Back to clothes pegs on the keyboard

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Knives between keys is a proven method…

Digitone (not keys) doesnt have a hold button but can get the hold or sustain function via midi.

The midi cc s 64

That’s not supported on/by the A4 though, I guess the op was hunting for alternatives that could somehow be ‘ported’ from a DNK

great stuff, will upgrade my clothes pegs to knives (have some gigs in some rough places) :wink:

Thanks for the suggestion, cc64 is a cc the A4 does not respect.

I have a solution but it requires a device that is capable of filtering out note off information. In this case it is a Mutable Midipal (no longer made). Building a programme via this interface, https://midipal-editor-350009.ew.r.appspot.com that filters out note off info on channel 8 (very simple to do), as that is my A4 auto channel. Using a programme like sysex librarian to upload the sysex programme I made to the midipal and Hey Presto, an A4 with a hold latch mode. So easy!! :wink:

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