Digitone Keys Getting Tons of Pops & Clicks Stopped AND During Playback

And just an update. I’ve narrowed the pops and clicks down to Left Input channel. If I add just the tiniest amount of volume to the left input channel, it starts randomly popping and clicking.

Can I ask why you’re adding gain/volume to the left input channel if nothing is connected?

When using the inputs with anything and listening does it still pop? Worse, or clear?

It was just to test where it was coming from to be sure it wasn’t a faulty cable.

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Yes. If I have my Digitakt, Machinedrum or anything running through it, I get pops from the left input channel once gain is added. I tested it with nothing going into that same channel and still get random pops/cracks as soon as any gain is added. With or without anything plugged in.

I still think you need to send it back to Elektron, or at least get their advice. It sounds faulty.

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I think you’re right. Guess it’s time to open a ticket.

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Thinking aloud but it’s not a USB noise/ground loop issue is it? Sounds like the sort of noise.

If you disconnect the usb side and just have the keys stand-alone do you still hear the noise?

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…the ad converter is clearly broken here…no ticket time…sending in time…

USB is not connected.

how did you get UI FIRMWARE: 1.8 ?
i have UI FIRMWARE: 1.5 …

You’re correct. Typo.

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