Digitone II sequencer <3

I’m so happy about this feature. On the DNII, when you have multiple notes on a single step, each note has a microtiming. As the influencers say, this is a game changer, but I mean it :smiley: !


that’s actually pretty amazing. the midi machine on DT/ST doesn’t have that even though it has 4-note polyphony.

how dos this work when recording live, is each note on the same step now recorded with it’s own micro timing? because on DNI or any other Elektron box it just stacks all notes on the same micro timing making it difficult to capture any coherent live performances.



that should find its way as a standard…basically sub steps (finer resolution per step) 🪚

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Does the new sequencer have better support for time signatures other than 4/4? It always felt like a huge oversight that you couldn’t specify a page lenth, so the pages would line up with the bars in other time signatures. Working in 3/4 or 5/4 is such a chore on DN1, because you always have to calculate where the bars start.

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Unfortunately, no. That would be the next improvement!

With luck, the “new platform” might mean this improvement is more likely, and could appear on both DN2 and DT2.



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If you have the track note set to mono legato, can you live record grace notes this way?

Good use of this new feature @qlamerand

Overdub !
Random Arp !

It would be cool to keep notes in entering order in note edit too…
(For arp TRUE mode)

Random sequence playback!

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Almost there, if Euclidean parameters where lfo destination.
Possible with midi loopback : randomize PL1, POS, done.
This way plocked trigs are randomized.