Digitone II bug reports

Support page:


Last firmware:

Digitone II OS 1.00A (Oct 23, 2024)


Oct 23, 2024

Remember to back up before upgrading and even load a new empty project to avoid any damage to your current project.
And avoid upgrading before a gig!

You encountered something wrong in this OS and want to check if others can replicate it ?
Here is the place.

Doesn’t replace a support ticket, of course, but you might want to check if it’s not a feature before declaring a bug :wink:

Please report all bugs via the Support Tickets section on elektron.se


My new Digitone 2 just arrived today and I love it <3

I just noticed one problem:

I use my Digitakt II as a Master to send Midi Clock and my Digitone 2 recieves this Midi Clock.
Now when I’m playing any clean tonal sound and turn on the Delay FX on the Digitone 2 it wobbles way to hard and gets detuned.

Switching the Midi Clock Recieve on the Digitone 2 off, solves the problem.

It also don’t have this problem using the Digitone 2 alone.

Just swapping the Digitone 2 with my old Digitone OG in the same setup recieving Midi Clock from my Digitakt 2 and the Delay FX sounds totally clear with no wobbly detuning.

Am I doing something wrong?

Digitone 2 is on Version 1.00A

Best Greetz to all of you!


Impossible to unlock notes. Notes are automatically plocked in Grid Recording mode. Impossible to erase locks in Live Recording.
Not usual Elektron workflow. Really annoying.

Consequences : Impossible to change all track notes live, no CONTROL ALL possible, not possible to record notes live with NOTE knob following a scale, or octaves…
(It works like a charm on ST and DT2)


It was already like this in the first Digitone


That was my fear. Only Elektron gear with that very annoying behavior.
No CONTROL ALL possible ! Not possible to record note lives with Scale Quantize ! :scream:
Feature request then…


Agreed I much prefer the behaviour where notes are not always locked and you can use the default value. Not sure why this it the way with DN1 and DN2, but there maybe technical reasons for it to do with polyphonic sequencing which isn’t on those other boxes.


Not sure if a bug or not, but sound (preset) locked trigs do not flash or otherwise indicate they have a sound lock until you hold them and wait for the panel to slowly move down from the top of the screen. It would be great if they did, and if that panel was instant, the animation isn’t really necessary and just slows you down.

Bug or round robin feature ? :content:
In Preset Pool mode, playing non allocated Preset Pool slots plays default track preset by default. But after playing Presets, non allocated trigs play previously played Presets jn a round robin way. Feature ?
Records default sound.

Not sure if bug, but in test mode it says sampling pressed when I press the unison key (which I guess is crosstalk with the Digitakt 2 codebase).


Not sure if sampling is a feature, but one can dream. :content:


Wouldn’t get your hopes up. This is where the sample button is on the Digitakt :).


Loading a kit while playing ( even one that exactly matches the current kit) results in a loud super bassy sound for a moment. (Sound may depend on the kit used and what’s playing at the time) but I’d expect loading a kit that’s identical to not cause any changes.

I was syncing my DNII to my HAPAX today and noticed that when using delay on the DNII the delay timing jumped around every now and then. I’ve never noticed this on any of my other (many) elektron boxes … maybe the MIDI DIN SYNC on the DNII needs some further work / smoothing?

Nudge tempo does not work when in song mode

Not sure if this is a bug, but FUNC + PARAMETER jump points (e.g. FUNC + TUNE to jump to +12, +24, +36) seem to be noticeably slower in my experience versus other Elektron devices like Syntakt or Digitakt. It feels like there is slight lag.

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Control All bug
When using Control All on a track which you have excluded in Control All Config it still does Control All (track button held) when you’re on/have selected that track. You have to go to another track and do the Control All here for that excluded track not to be included. It should be fully excluded from Control All even if you’ve selected that track.

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Clearing locks ( [TRIG]+[PLAY] ) from a trigless trig turns it into a trig.

This Control All behaviour is intentional as described in the user manual :
“Control all operations also affects the active track, whether it is selected to be affected or not.”


I totally agree !

Easy to select wrong track before Control All :
When you leave Grid Recording, it goes back to Track mode even if you selected Keyboard mode before. So it is easy to select wrong track.

I also agree.
But it’s not a bug per se as it’s intended.
It’s more a feature or change request.