Digitone as a multimap drum machine?

Has anyone used the Digitone as a drum machine using an external sequencer and the multimap feature?

I’m wondering how usable it would be. It might be unworkable/a pain, but still interested…


Also interested. I’ve made small attempts at this but never quite got my head around getting the settings right, nor the behaviour expected from my inputs. Would love detailed account/experiences of someone making use of this, otherwise direction to good tutorials would be much appreciated.

Do love the concept! Especially once factoring in velocity ranges etc, lots of potential!

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I’d suggest you try it out! It’s not that difficult!


I tried and even made this to get some macro by patch : Digitone Tips and Tricks - #64 by losgallos

But I do not really use it because I find it very annoying to reopen a patch to get any minor editing etc.


I would, but I don’t have one at the moment! Thought I’d ask the fine people on here.

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Right. This sounds like something I worried about… the workflow is bound to be, well, less than an actual drum machine. But maybe it could stand in at times.

hmm… don’t have my DN at hands – but with the modulation sources it could work out?