Digitone 2 vs Syntakt

I am sorry I have to bring this up here for discussion :grin:

At a first glance, it’s… all I wanted from the Syntakt.

Polyphony, Chorus, Compressor, Arp, Comb filter, 3 Lfo’s… prep mutes are pretty awesome as well. + all the extra features we have in the 2 series like 128 steps and so on

Would it make sense trading the Syntakt for a Digitone 2?

What I would miss the most are probably the latest additions like BD Acoustic, SD Acoustic, and the SID machine. I see now why Elektron released those updates right before the Digitone 2. :smile:

Apart from that, it almost looks like with the Digitone 2 I can get most of what I would get with the Syntakt, plus so much more.
I’m not missing the FX block, as I mostly used it to replace a compressor, which we now have in the Digitone 2. Also, when using the FX block, it merges all tracks into one and makes Overbridge obsolete for me.

My biggest question mark is the FM drum machine. It looks very versatile, especially the transient options, but the Syntakt might be a bit more intuitive for getting percussion sounds out.

What are your thoughts? What would you miss from the Syntakt in the Digitone 2?


Analog voices?


If I’m being honest, I wouldn’t miss much switching from the ST to the DN2 other than the analog machines I guess. I had the DN mk1 and it was already quite capable to pull off drums and entire tracks. DN2 looks like the total package and I’m having an Elektron identity crisis a bit:)


The fx track and P lockable reverb and delay parameters are huge things to me.


I doubt DN2 drum machine can do what all those dedicated machines in Syntakt do and there’s no analog machines or fx block. DN is of course much better for non-drum related sounds and polyphonic stuff. Well, it might even be better for drums if you use all of it’s power (not just the drum machine), but certainly far slower and more complex to get results than Syntakt in this case.


Just wait a few months until Syntakt 2 is on the market


Red buttons are nicer


I briefly had the same thought. But the new analog kick and snare on the ST just sound so incredibly good to my ears, that it’s almost worth keeping just for that. And 16 polyphony on the DT, though a huge step up, isn’t infinite, so having extra percussion, bleeps and plucks on the ST makes sense. But it depends on what kind of music you make. If most everything is monophonic, then an ST may be unneeded.


I believe the SY Chip, the analog distortion and the FX block are what makes it special at this point.


Sadly, the answer for me will be to have both :confused:
Really don’t see me selling my Syntakt any time soon, but I really want what the DN2 has to offer in addition.


Syntakt’s analog voices and FX make it a better space heater for those winter beat making sessions


I agree there is quite a lot of overlap with ST. I am surprised that Loopop didn’t mention the ST as an alternative.
I’ve had the ST twice already. The DN as well… Perhaps the DN2 has what will make it a keeper :slight_smile:


Same question bugging my mind since the presentation. I thought I had everything I need with ST & DN1 but this is a great, great MK2 from what it seems.

I still think DN2 would be too limited to fully replace Syntakt + DN1, as I tend to use all tracks on ST and all voices on DN (I mean ST+DN1 = 20 voices, DN2 = 16 voices).

I’m waiting to see how the drums sounds on demo by people that make things closer to what I produce, but it could be a nice, deep sound design replacement for Syntakt


Haha, it looks like Elektron did a good job, as always, of keeping all their boxes interesting but also limited enough so that we need all of them :smile:


Hmm as a Syntaktuser i feel like it is dead from now on. They should have skipped it and bring the DN2 instead two years ago.
The whole idea of the FX track and the mediocre Performance Buttons didn’t work out for me against Chorus, Overdrive, Compressor, Polyphony and 4 more possible MIDI tracks on the DN2


I have the Syntakt and I’ll keep it until there’s a Syntakt II. I did that with the Digi. I have GAS so I’ll probably get the DN II…sigh I don’t need the DN II…I just WANT ONE. I’m so weak…


I"m thinking similarly to you… my Syntakt is getting nervous. For me, Syntakt was always the spare wheel: AR and A4 are my workhorses. I bought Syntakt to replace/upgrade a Cycles, which was my “take it with me on trips” sketchbook. I imagine a DNII would work well in that role. Also, DNII it would provide a lot of polyphony that’s easier to access than the Syntakt’s implementation… plus a rich 4-op FM synth. I’d like to add that flavour of poly to my set-up, for variety. I really enjoy making FM drums on my Rytm, so I expect I’d enjoy it on the DNII too.

I’d be even more excited in DNII if there was a Keys version. It’d wipe out the “portable sketch book” role, but I love noodling around on full size keys. I’m a very weak keys player, but it’s still my preferred way to enter notes and jam around.

I would miss Syntakt’s analog FX block. That thing is great! It’s really playable, and it makes my Juno 106 sound amazing.


The Syntakt is still the best all round machine IMO, real analogue ‘and’ digital engines, fun machines and easy to use. It gets used a lot more than my digitone and from what I have seen the other synths engines are not tempting me to update to the new model.


I feel like the FM drum should have gone to the Syntakt, as an allrounder digital machine. It would be cool if the would bring it over in the future, but I doubt it will ever happen. Maybe something similar. I feel like they could come up with some interesting digital machines.

On the other hand, if they bring a dedicated drum machine to the DN maybe they’ll bring a little sample machine to the Syntakt (2)?


Since ive already got Rytm Mk2, DN2 has me wanting to sell Syntakt pretty badly - has most of the things I wish Syntakt had