Digitakt vs Octatrack

get the OT dude but be ready to put in the work. Check out ‘The Messy Desk’ on YouTube for tutorials.

Get the MKII and get it today since Bax shop have 7.5% off if you’re in Europe.

Good luck. I’m just starting my journey on it after having previously owned it and after trying the Digitakt.

Just my 2 cents


Read the Merlin manual (can be found via google) and take it slow. Watch Cuckoo’s vids, he’s a great educator. It takes a fair amount of time to wrap your head around it, but once you do it’s just such a great & inspiring box to make music with.


I did a test back when I had DT, sampling the same source, it is very obvious if the source material has high end content - eg a drum loop with hihats.
I believe an Elektron employee confirmed it also on the forum.
As @craig said on OT you want to take all fx off before doing any comparison, also turn off time stretch.


Fair enough. I suppose it’s no different than a pair of headphones having a bit of “colour” to appeal to a consumer market.

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Forum member @mzero measured the Digitakt’s playback frequency response here:


Thanks for digging up the link.

Reading of official manual is inevitable earlier or later.

I would recommend to check EZBOT instead of Cuckoo. EZBOT explains in 5 minutes concepts for which Cuckoo makes 2 hour stream. Of course Cuckoo is charismatic, but I personally don’t learn anything from his videos.
Also Max Marco shows some advanced sides of OT.

Sorry for my negative.


If you’re intrigued by the Octatrack, what’s going to happen when you buy the Digitakt is you will fall in love with it and want to buy an Octatrack. And then you will have both. :sunglasses:


Octatrack is not for everyone.


Ezbot ive never watched, but max Marco is brilliant.

I have both and I use the digitakt a lot less. Whats nice tho is that you can use the octatrack for Song mode. They do compliment each other pretty well, altho when compared the digitakt doesnt really offer much except ease of use.

Happy Sunday all. I’m going to keep this endless conversation alive with a few questions as well. I promise I had a good dig around the forum first and watched TONS of Youtube videos as well, I’m not just being lazy!

I’ve recently got my Digitone about a month ago and I’m enjoying making music (well, noisy techno loops) more than I have for years so I feel “vindicated” that the cost (vs software) is worth it. I’m now debating adding a second box and I’m stuck on the usual OT vs DT thing as well. I think I can live without Overbridge as for me it’s a nice bonus but I’m trying to avoid getting tethered back to the computer. To be more specific, I think I’d be perfectly happy to just record a single stereo output either by getting a soundcard (I don’t believe OT has any USB audio capability) or by feeding the OT through the Digitone and doing it that way.

Long story short - if I wanted to get started by “just” using the OT very much like a Digitakt and using drum one-shots etc, is the workflow not as bad as people suggest?! I tried reading the OT manual a bit yesterday and I’m happy to admit that I started t get lost quickly around the project/pattern/set/whatever architecture. If I’ve got thousands of drum one-shots in nested folders on my laptop and I drop the whole thing onto the CF card is it easy for me to start browsing those drums, loading them into tracks, do sample/parameter locks etc on multiple tracks to use the OT as a one-shot drum machine like a DT? I’m asking because this seems like it would be a good place to start and to help prevent the OT brain overload that everyone seems to suffer from. If I can do that and get enjoyment from it then I can work my way up from there.

I really love the idea of the live looping to allow me to take more simple patterns and songs and turn them into more experimental and interesting performances but I appreciate that will take some learning time. I can live with that if I can also get started easily and get some immediate fun as well. I’m not the most patient person though, and I need to be honest with myself.

I have to say that I’d probably feel annoyed if they released a new OT (with Overbridge and all that jazz) soon after I got a MK2 but all the stuff I read here seems to suggest that it’s VERY unlikely. A new device perhaps, but that’s a different story.

The other side of this is, of course, that I just make the most of my MS+DN setup and be patient. I reckon we’re about due a new Elektron machine in the Digi range but that’s pure speculation based on past release schedule. Probably just wishful thinking give the 2020 that we’ve all had.

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If you are sure to use one shots only, in a simpler manner, I’d think twice about Digitakt…

USB storage only. You can record up to 8m28s internally. Better quality, simpler. The 8 recorders can be used at the same time. 8x1m04s recordings max.

You just have to understand Slots / Parts concepts for sample assignments.
A Set is simply a folder! Nothing to be afraid of, set once.

You can make sample chains with 64 slices for drums kits. It saves slots!

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One thing which Octatrack really does well is in the effects department. I love the fact that there is no send effect in sight (I mean that they’re individual per track and not global like on the rest of Elektron devices)

It really makes the octatrack stand out in the world of samplers, the only sampler which has a better FX architecture imo is the new MPC line which has some really great FX.

Sure they are a bit dated, but I feel like they serve a great role for shaping sound. And if you want a better reverb, by a pedal and use that as a send effect via the cue output


I’m a simple man I see techno I see OT.
Seriously the OT is techno or at least for me it’s what it does best.
I mainly use for drums and sequencing synths.

Of course I had the same question DT vs OT.
I saw some videos and the DT felt like a copy of the OT from another company. Then I saw the OT mk1 and it was love! I know I know we shouldn’t get stuff based on aesthetic but that box ooks so sexy :smiley:

Anyway I found DT limitations stupid instead I found OT limitations understandable.
I didn’t have much problem using the OT in the beginning. I read the entire manual, watch some videos and I was able to do what I wanted. Honestly I found the OT really intuitive I don’t know what people find so difficult. Maybe I’m used with modular where having a general idea of what you’re doing in that mess is a lot helpful lol.

Also don’t feel you have to use every feature of the OT. It can do many things and it can be set up differently every time and that’s probably the main reason why I invested my money in it: today is your drum machine, tomorrow your mixer, in few years your looper or whatever. I think I will always found a purpose in my studio for the OT.

I know it’s hard to believe but that crossfader is everything. Seriously man I want that crossfader on every box.


For me DT comes from AR, without its analog parts of course. Very similar structure. The fact that ARMKII inherited sampling ability after DT seems to prove it.

Yep. In my car too.


Same M I found the OT easier than the DT - I just never got on with the DT - probably because I really wanted an OT but bought the DT as it was so much cheaper, but bought an OT anyway and absolutely love it!


Agree with this. The Analog Rytm is a beast. The Distortion on it is insane, you can get insane noise/feedback if u push everything to the limits - heaps of fun. Delay, Overdrive, Reverb, Compression and the Distortion all sound fantastic. It’s fast, and sounds great.


Interesting to hear! For the same purpose ok. But imho it takes much longer to know everything about OT. My goal with any musical gear. Harder for me to find a definitive workflow with all the possibilities.


Yes - longer to get to know all the functions (I am way way off that !!) but I found it easier to use than the Digitakt for the sort of things I used the Digitakt for…