Digitakt OS 1.50

Hey all, on my quest to make my patterns smaller and smaller, I came up with a cool method to make Breakbeat slices (or anything else) continously change up - but in a controlled manner. Enjoy :wink:


LFO to sample slot to switch up drumfunk style, and start/length to loop weird amounts of grouped slices.

I accuse you of witchcraft, I was literally just thinking of getting my DT out ! :face_with_monocle:

Curious to hear, how are people thinking about the 1.50 features nowadays? Do you use them a lot? Did they change DT drastically for you or not?

Iā€™ve had a DT but only until a couple years ago. Curious if the difference is big, or if the new machines have died down in use since their introduction.


I only bought mine after the 1.5 update. I use Slice constantly for breakbeats. I donā€™t use the other modes very often at all, to be honest.


Similarily here, I use Slice Mode all the time for everything and all my sample packs have a focus on chains ā€¦


Slice is fantastic for certain use cases, especially drum breaks that are very regular and sample chains that give access to easy sound variations in one sample slot (my favorite: putting 64 single-cycle wave forms in 1 sound for dial-a-bass). I like to resample hat and ride lines and re-sequence them with the 4 grid, too.

I havenā€™t gotten much use from werp or repitch, and itā€™s disappointing to load a drum break that doesnā€™t play well with the slice machine.

Itā€™s changed how I personally use the machine, enough that I find it more enjoyable to work with.


Similar boat here. Iā€™ve played around with the other modes, had some good times and interesting results with them, but when I think of Digitakt I still think of it as a one-shot machine. Slice mode is handy for creating sample chains, but I donā€™t use it for typical slice functionality (because you canā€™t dial in your slice points and such).

But for more context, I had a DT back in the day when they first came out, so Iā€™m biased towards my original (now outdated) understanding of it. I wonder what new folks think of it ā€” maybe theyā€™re able to approach it with a more open mind and get more out of all the new features in there.

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Werp and repitch have interesting result if you sample a melody from a record. Itā€™s also a good practice to resample from werp or reptich and load the sample with slice to have a perfect loop matching the slices parts.


I agree with some of the previous posters that slice mode for sample chains is the most useful feature of 1.50. When it was released, my judgment was that there wasnā€™t anything one couldnā€™t do with more effort before, but besides the reduced friction, the most important aspect of the release was the hope for the future, with a whole new set of potential upgrades possible. I have not altered that opinion.


Holy. I never thought about stacking up single cycle waveforms like that. Is there any particular knack to getting that to work cleanly? Iā€™m thinking in terms of setting it to loop while having silence either side.

Digichain! And Adventure Kid Single Cycle Wave Forms, detailed below. I was not successful in my attempts to pull the factory SCWs from the DT, but the library linked below is massive. It doesnā€™t work like a wavetable synth, but you can choose a different slice per note. Not sure what you mean by silence on either side, though just maybe itā€™s possible to get no-clicks sweeping across certain pitch ranges if the waveform zeroes out at the endā€¦


I assumed that putting in single cycle waveforms into Digichain would leave a silence after each waveform, and that using it in the Slice machine and setting the Slice to loop would include some silence without manually going in and setting the end point each time you change which slice you are using.

Iā€™ll give it a try tomorrow, thanks.

Nope, it just works! The waves have zero endpoints either side, and DigiChainā€™s ā€œevenly spaced slicesā€ just joins 64 600-sample waves together.


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