Digitakt OS 1.50

I tried and it doesn’t work for me! Getting gig ready to lol updated to soon

How do you guys feel about a possible Octatrack Mk3 after all this happened? Just bought an Octatrack Mk2 and I’m quite nervous because on Facebook and elsewehere ppl speculating about it :smiley:

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Nervous? Do you not like the MK2?

what’s not working for you?

T.H.X. :partying_face:

You missed a lot. Scenes, precise slicing, Dj mixer, live looper, 64gb storage, rate parameter, fx unit, resampling with overdub etc.


100%. I’ve always thought the lack of stereo samples was the biggest shortcoming of this machine. I’d gladly sacrifice track count for this. Hell, I’d be happier with just 4 stereo tracks than 8 mono.

But sincerely not trying to complain. The mono sourcing has it’s charm and this current update is awesome.


Manual slices


def not work I tried updated to soon again lol

A long-game strategy they must have. DT has been out for what, 5-6 years and the Rytm for 10 years, and I still can’t place a starting point where i want on a sample I just sampled into my expensive sampler? but the cheaper sampler can do that and a whole lot more… no i don’t see a strategy. seems more like a product line getting abandoned.


Man this is such an awesome update. Makes me regret selling it. I really hope the Rytm gets these features, or at least a couple, or even some acknowledgement of it’s existence from Elektron that is not in the form of a new sound pack.


The more I think about this, it’d be even cooler to load up your favorite 64 samples of a type (kick or snare, etc) evenly space them in a daw – export it, and then you have a “kick” bank – rather than messing with sample slots, you can just p-lock slices per step, with the added benefit of the randomize slice function.

Then ontop of this, you can use sample slot to jump to another variation – ie sample 1 could be all clean kicks, sample 2 could have distortion applied to the same set (or whatever effect) and then you can lock a sample slot per step, for an alternate FX for that sound… repeat as many times as you like, for whatever variations.

Takes as lot of prep to setup, but it’ll make sample management much tidier.


I was planning to use Octachainer in ‘evenly spaced grid’ mode for that purpose. That should make the prep a bit quicker. Then after that take the resultant wav file and pitch it down a few octaves before transferring to the DT and it should take up hardly any space of the plus drive.

I’m sure some Octatrack veterans will correct me if I’ve got any of that wrong.

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You want to pitch it up to save space. Pitching down = longer sample = more space :wink:


Yep! That’s what I should’ve said… a bit of a brain fart on my part.


Pretty neat idea!
Only just started looking into loopcloud (which Elektron just seem to have married to DT): it could actually make your suggested processes pretty straight forward.
Thinking of an AI that can scan your sample library for similar sounds. I guess you can even render those samples - evenly spaced - into one WAV inside the app. And transfer it right onto your DT.
Definitely need to check out loopcloud!


Mario’s Live Stream right now



Mario vs. EZBOT in a Digitakt feature dance-off.


Trying to sleep but can’t stop thinking about it so sharing it here to get it out of my mind for tonight:
Using your method of (preparing and) loading “sample chains” onto the DT - say including 8 samples spaced evenly - you could also use multi sampled one shots to create a track that you can play with 8 velocity levels spread out nicely on step buttons 1-8.
I guess only useful for percussive sounds as you loose chromatic playback of a sample when using the SLICE machine, don’t you?

Time to sleep, good night.

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I don’t have my DT in front of me, but I do believe you can still pitch each slice independently!