Digitakt OS 1.20A and Digitone OS 1.30A

Spotted a bug, dunno if there before: if you try and copy and paste pages from MIDI tracks (e.g. the one with channel, bank and program select on it), it claims to work but doesn’t. Paste is empty.
Thanks for the global probability, de-clicking and for the smooth legato!!


Confirmed here on DT - copy/paste of the MIDI tracks’ SRC and FLTR pages doesnt work
(TRIG, AMP and LFO pages work fine)


It’s not listed here but has anyone gotten the issue where after engaging scale per track on Digitone the sequencer glitches and plays the first trig twice, causing things to get out of time?
This has been happening to me for awhile (randomly) and happened again a few days ago on 1.30

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I had a look at this, and the SRC and FLTR pages are copied, but you have to manually enable the parameters (FUNC+press encoder). It works the same way on OS 1.11 and 1.21. Not sure if that’s intended or not but will investigate.

EDIT: It is intended.


oh yea, the pasted values are there when you enable them too. nice! cheers


This is fantastic. I wanted to travel with just my iPad and DN, no soundcard, and this makes it possible!

Even if that is intended, I want to point out the following:

If you enable every midi track on every pattern, a single ‘encoder’ has to be pressed 1024 times!
If you enable all controls for every midi track, the 8 ‘encoders’ on the right have to be pressed 2048 times each! That also means 16384 presses for the FUNC button!
And that is just for a single project. If you would actually do that, the ‘encoders’ would need replacement after 5 projects.

That doesn’t strike me as user friendly and certainly doesn’t help durability.
If midi controls would also be enabled after copying, those numbers would go down exponentially.
It’s just a thought, but it might be worth to take into account.

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Make a Template.


In the meantime you could enable all controls and save it as a project with the name MIDI. Each time you start a new project, load the MIDI project and save it with a new name. It will take you maybe 1 minute and solve all your problems.


You mean by copying a pattern with those controls already enabled?
That would help a lot to get those numbers down actually.
Sadly, it’s also the only way to get those numbers down.

It’s a bit confusing to me that copying an entire pattern enables the controls, but copying the pages doesn’t.

Like I said, it was just a thought and there is indeed a workaround for it.
I will not complain about this any further.

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No I mean starting a brand new project, enabling all controls on all tracks, and saving it as a project named MIDI with no other changes. Each time you begin a new project, instead of opening a new project, open the project named MIDI and re-save that project with your new name.


I got that already, what I meant was setting up that template project the first time.
Because enabling all controls by hand would still take 2048 presses if you don’t copy from another pattern.

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I don’t know about the number of button presses, how are you coming up with 2048? Because you would just do it for one pattern and then copy to the other patterns. I suppose that’s what you were referring to in your post previously.

Yes, that’s what I meant.

The 2048 is: 128 patterns * 8 midi tracks * 2 controls to enable per pattern.
But that is of course, all by hand and no copying patterns(or just copying pages).

But it’s all good :slightly_smiling_face:, I don’t want to dilute this thread any further.


Just found this bug in the DT. Same for DN?

Not a bug, not all values are selectable and it has always been like that.
This is the list of possible percentages for TRIG CONDITION: 1%,2%,4%,6%,9%,13%,19%,25%,33%,41%,50%,59%,67%,75%,81%,87%,91%,94%,96%,98%,99%,100%.
Note that TRIG PROBABILITY includes all values though.


I’ve never noticed that in 3 years :grimacing:

Since the latest update I’ve switched from sequencing my Digitone from an Octatrack and now use its own internal sequencer. Thing is, I’m not sure chaining is working properly or at least as documented. I’m using 1.30A and I just set CH.LEN to 256 for a series of patterns (the master length is 64 for most, one is INF). I’d expect such patterns to play through 4 times before advancing to the next in the chain. But they just play once through before moving on.

Also, the manual states you can create chains of up to 64 steps - but after you’ve chained a few the display stops showing any new ones that are added. Is there no way to refer to the temporary chain visually?

It’s possible I missed something but not sure what it could be. As I say, I always relied on the Octatrack as sequencer before but I like the new track probabilities.

I can see your point, but it does seem to be determined by the smaller of the two … the pattern master length and the pattern ch.len value

the ch.len protects you from infinite master length issues but also seems to override the master clock rolling through if a pattern has elapsed, so it doesn’t repeat … but it can, with a caveat

it will repeat however if the longest track length is shorter than the master length & ch.len

so two chained tracks that are 16 steps long will each repeat 3 times whether the ch.len is 48 and master is e.g. 64 or the ch.len is 64 and master is 48 on either - 48 wins either way

if you need a 64 step pattern to repeat 4 times then master or ch.len need to be > 256

the ch.len is more important when changing longer patterns when not in chain mode

plus we haven’t mentioned scale, which we need set to 1x for this example

I kinda see your dilemma but I suspect it is working as intended and no doubt as it was before this update

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The manual does explicitly state that the CH.LEN parameter can override the M.LEN parameter - and I’d really love it to! If it doesn’t, pattern chains are less useful than I hoped and I may simply revert to doing everything in the Octatrack Arranger. Would be a shame though as I like that ‘overall probability’ parm, which the OT doesn’t have.

I guess I’ll raise a ticket and find out. Cheers for the reply.