Digitakt one to many midi mapping


I would like to setup my digitakt so that it sends Midi to all my synths from a single midi channel coming from my midi controller. I would like to assign track A to synth number 1, track B to synth number 2 and so on. I want to be able to switch dynamically between synths by selecting the track. Is there a way to assign each track to a midi channel globally while still using the Auto channel function? Or basically having the same midi setup on each track regardless of pattern or project.

Thank you!

If your Controller (your one) is set to transmit on the Auto Channel of teh DT, then when you set each synth to a different MIDI channel, via a MIDI thru box or a MIDI Thru chain (your many) then whichever DT MIDI track you focus will be live transmitting to the respective synth at the other end with its unique channel

This way there’s no need to swap midi channels on the controller, each synth needs to be attributed a unique channel though unless you have some advanced midi plumbing kit