Digitakt mute via MIDI not working properly


I’ve noticed some strange behaviour when muting/unmuting tracks with MIDI. When I tell Digitakt to mute all tracks except e.g. 1, 3,4 and 7 it leaves track 7 muted anyway. When I change track 7 to 8 it works properly. I tested it many times and it happens to all of the tracks, so don’t focus on the numbers. :wink:

What’s interesting is that the problem disappears when I change the pattern. The initial state of all tracks (i.e. if they’re all muted or unmuted) has no effect on this.

Since I manually changed the mute state of said track a few times before doing it via MIDI it seems like Digitakt disregards the mute event from MIDI for that track. Why is that so? Did anybody encounter the same problem? Is there a fix for it?

So, to reproduce: start with fresh pattern, manually mute and unmute some tracks and then try to change their mute state via MIDI.

BTW, I am running OS 1.11 beta 6, but I’ve noticed the problem in previous OSes.

I tested this with Ableton and then my little project that manages the patterns and muted tracks to work as a song mode https://github.com/mcjlnrtwcz/digitakt-song-mode