Digitakt midi CC for PROB?

Hi all, I’m trying to externally control the probability parameter on the midi tracks of my digitakt… I just need the midi CC

any takers?

If there is no cc listed for in in the appendix of the manual (there isn’t), it is very likely it cannot be controlled externally.


They just need to assign the CC. While at it, let’s assign a CC num for retrig rate :+1:t6: :+1:t6: :+1:t6:

[they = Elektron :slight_smile: ]

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Bumping this, we really need a midi cc for the new probability functionality… I’m using it a lot and it would be great to not have to go to each track to make quick changes…

How do I make a feature request to elektron?


You can do ‘control all’ on them to change with one encoder but there’s no midi cc
Hopefully they can add it in some way

how about a Control-All CC then!

Thanks guys, but I want to control each midi And audio channels PROB independently from an external device (ie lemur or ec4) … so it needs to have a midi cc allocated by elektron

Send an email to feature-request@elektron.se

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not yet ha , i wish for that too
wana have a page on touchosc controller with Prob + Volume + Sends
that would be a sweet mixer control but seems not possible yet…


yep it surprises me today too, it feel’s like some dev forgot to do it and nobody cares…I see no legal reason :smiley:

but TouchOSC Page with int. mixer+FX sends is no big deal, did you made some?

I made something similar today, started new topic here, so LMK if you’re interested :wink:

Just sent in a request for this