Digitakt meets Beatstep Pro

Yes that’s it, DT sequence on BSP, so BSP can easily change the scale of the sequence.
I’m a total noob with Digitakt, the sequencer looks nice but I find it limited by the absence of this function. I wonder if I should not sell the BSP to buy a Hermod…

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that will totally work. DT and BSP play really well together

mmmh ok, I’m trying without success…
DT midi out > BSP midi In
BSP midi Out > 0-coast midi In
I don’t get any midi information entering the BSP. BSP is playing alone the 0-coast.

i thought you said you wanted the BSP to alter the DT sequence…?

so, for that you need BSP out to DT midi in. then you can go out of the DT’s THRU port to the 0-coast

you’ll need to set the midi channel on your BSP to a midi channel that is not being used by your DT if you don’t want the same information going to your 0-coast.

i used the drum sequencer on BSP set to channels 1-8 (in the midi control center app from Arturia). Then you can use the melodic sequencers on whatever channel you want to control the 0-coast

Yes that’s it, i thought it was the correct way to do this. I want to do that to modify the sequence from DT so I can easily choose/change scales on the BSP (and mostly keep my melodies in key…)

yes, do BSP midi out to DT and I think you’ll be doing what you want in no time

OK so you were saying that you’re using the DT’s THRU port to the 0-coast, why not the Midi Out port? (I’ve tried the Midi Thru without success)

BSP Midi Out > DT Midi In
DT Midi Thru > 0-coast Midi In
I get the sequence played by BSP, DT’s parameters doesn’t change anything on the sequence

To recap what I planned to do:
I would like to take profit from DT sequencer, I think it’s very interesting to use it with Midi CC with 0-coast. But I miss the scale option provided by BSP (easily change the sequence to minor, major, mixolydian mode, …). So I would like to know if it’s possible to do that?

that works, too!

if you’re putting the sequence into the BSP and it’s playing the DT you can change anything you want on the BSP with regard to the scale.

you can also put DT in live record mode and record those sequences from BSP to the DT if you want to.

Sorry, it’s very confusing for me right now, can you please confirm that it is:
BSP midi out (control mode ???) > DT midi in
DT midi out > 0-coast midi in

I try to control CC parameters in DT with BSP in control mode but I can’t.
Anyway, thank you for helping me…

I can’t do what I have in mind. Too bad, I’ll get there maybe later.
I realize that I still have a lot to learn with MIDI.
I had another idea is to use the BSP for notes and Digitakt to control CC:
DT midi out > 0-coast midi in
BSP pitch CV out > 0-coast 1v/oct
BSP gate out > 0-coast gate in

I’ve set the DT to not trigger notes, only CC (yellow pads), but this doesn’t work either. Only pitch bend modification works. CC messages only works with triggered notes on DT. Any idea how to make it work? Thanks…

Has anyone had luck with the Digitone receiving after touch from the Beatstep Pro?

I can receive velocity but no aftertouch.

I can’t hear any modulation when I play pads. I go to the modulation setup for after touch in the sound configuration and I don’t see activity in the level monitor.