Hey guys, I know the Mk2 doesn’t yet have overbridge, but can you at least record all the channels over usb? like audio interface style? or is it only the stereo master output so far?
USB audio is 2x in 2x out so only main stereo output is available.
Ok. I’ll need to wait then. Thanks
If Elektron team are reading this, please know that I’m using my iPad + Logic Pro for iPad to record my live sets. I would be absolutely blown away if I could, via class driver, access 23 inputs over USB (1-16 tracks, input 1+2, 3x effects returns). This would let me mix the live set without a mixer, and if magic occurs live, I’d have a detailed multi-track to work with in the studio.
If bandwidth makes this difficult, I’d prioritize 1-16 tracks, 2-inputs, and if that’s too much, stereo mix of 1-16 + input 1+2… 4 inputs.