Digitakt II kits question

There’s no viable Saving Combo shortcut (or Reloading Shortcut) working for me - my device is still running the last RC, i am in the process of switching that as we speak. But the Key combo is not showing any response on screen ( i have assumed it would say)

No response with the 1.01 release to ‘KIT’+anything


On DT Mk I, you can save Kit Data on the +Drive :


You must have saved the project at least once before you can save pattern information.

• WHOLE PATTERN Saves the active pattern’s sequence data and kit to the +Drive. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to save, or [NO] to cancel the operation.

• KIT DATA Saves the active pattern’s kit to the +Drive. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to save, or [NO] to cancel the operation.

• SEQUENCE DATA Saves the active pattern’s sequence data to the +Drive. A prompt appears when you select this option. Press [YES] to save, or [NO] to cancel the operation.


There are kits on the MKI ??

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Loopop talks about it here :

Yes but I don’t know if it would suit your particular workflow.

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Yeah pretty much what I read in the manual. I wish he didn’t stop and pressed Kit+YES to see if there is indeed a menu poping up !
That doesn’t tell anything about the ability to load any kit from any project, and the maximum available kits and samples at any time.

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On the AR, I’m close to it, but limited to 128 kits :
I’ve assigned the 128 kits to the 128 patterns. Each pattern is 1 step long, so recalling a kit is more or less instantaneous.
But As I said, I dream of an unlimited amount of kits reachable at any time.

In fact, on the AR, I could be good, if I knew a reliable way to keep a Project that contains only the 128 kits that I currently use. But this type of file management is super frightening. I’m happy to be proven wrong, though !

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Patrik just tried it now on 1.01 and says it works as described and intended…


The answer above was staring me in the face - i didn’t read

so i was not in Perform Kit Mode, doh

Sorry for alarm bells

It’s a pity the Kit saving combo requires this Mode to be active tbh - i went looking for what i expected.

So it’s aok in the manual (like anything else was ever possible), pretend this never happened, please

Note to self : read the heading too


Dont beat yourself up about that. Oden knows that there are many small niggles in the manuals :slightly_smiling_face:


So what happens when you load a kit ? Does it load every samples in the Ram automatically?
So let’s say there is a sysex command to load a kit, then it will take some time to load I guess ?

Wait have they not made a digitakt 2 category?
Would be helpful I’d think?

Neither OT, AR, MD, A4.

Unlike on MD or Analog series, DT2 Kits are a bit like Presets (formerly Sounds): when they are loaded on a new pattern, they are copied from the +Drive, do there will be no link between two patterns which have been loaded the same Kit to. Tweaks in one won’t affect the other.
I personally prefer AR implementation.

Now when you load a Preset or a Kit, samples are indeed loaded in the first available slot in the RAM, unless they had been already. It’s a bit slow though.


Hmm, this is surprising. So basically, even if you tweak a kit and then save it, no pattern will be affected by the save?

Not sure which I prefer yet - on the AR, it’s a bit annoying to be saving a new kit each time you make a minor tweak (I typically tried to get into the habit of saving one kit per pattern, naming the kit with the name of the pattern it’s associated with)… Maybe this could be some kind of middle ground.

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I think the quick Pattern+Kit saving on DT is a nice workflow.
Only thing that is needed is a way to share Kits across patterns I guess. Perform mode is getting pretty close to my own target.


I was curious about how the kits worked on DT MKII vs the AR/A4 machines, so thanks all for the discussion.

My approach with the RYTM was always to make a kit apply to a block of 4 patterns, and name it accordingly (e.g. name the kit B5-8). Then I could have 4 variations using the same sounds.

Honestly though on the AR, I found the kit implementation confusing at times. What would happen to your current kit on pattern change depended on some combination of

  • Whether the track you switched to had any kit assigned
  • Whether the track you switched to had the same kit assigned
  • Whether you had “KIT RELOAD ON CHG” set, which is buried in GLOBAL > CONTROL > SEQUENCER CONFIG

I am always saving unwanted performance tweaks or losing intended changes.

I think the Digitakt II approach of a distinct and separate kit per pattern with a shortcut to “lock” the current pattern is actually really good compromise. Lets you have a consistent sound over a few patterns without the mental overhead.


Whether changes made to kits are saved also depends on which kit is active when the power is turned off.

I was in the same boat but I can’t say I understand the DT2 much better.

If I copy a pattern to a new pattern and make tweaks…

It still created a new kit, functioning like the old DT, correct?

Let’s say I make some tweaks to that kit on pattern 2 but they are mix decisions I want to carry forward.

It seems like these won’t be applied to pattern 1 unless I first start p2, enter perform, move to p1, and don’t leave perform?

From what I’ve seen, I don’t see a way to pre allocate kit 1 to a handful of patterns, then start a new handful with kit 2. Etc.

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You can now save and load Kits, so that’s a way to harmonize kits across patterns.
But yeah, I would have liked to be able to share track presets across patterns.

Still have to get used to the perform kit, still a bit alien to me, but closest thing there is to sharing presets…