Digitakt II 1.01A : Bug reports

Not sure if a bug or deliberate, but when turning the knob to select a sample on the SRC page, then pressing Func YES to enter the sample list, pressing Func + Left arrow repeatedly used to go to the highest level of the sample browser, now, it take us out of it, I find it annoying.

It was a fast way to go back to the root of the sample browser without thinking/looking, just press Func + Left arrow repeatidely…


Thanks will try this. Feedback will follow next week.

I just noticed: we lost the gain reduction meter in the Compressor isn’t it? Not a bug I guess, but not sure. What do you reckon?

I still see it there.


Result: My unit is defective and will now be replaced by a new one as soon as available. :cloud_with_lightning:


I tried to upload samples with transfer but it’s impossible, I have a message “+DRIVE is full” but I’ve only recorded two or three loops with resampling and external inputs :thinking:

Could this be a hardware problem with the +DRIVE ?

EDIT : Transfer wasn’t 1.8, it’s alright now ! :slight_smile:


Ah, it’s an imported project (from DT I) … There I don’t see it. If I start a new project, I see it.

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Ah, it’s an imported project (from DT I) … There I don’t see it. If I start a new project, I see it.

Yes, I’ve just begun importing older projects (some of which were initiated during the very first firmware releases) and noticing things like this / missing samples that show only the directory they belong to in the sample slot view, etc… - I imagine some things about the import aren’t quite right yet. I am “freezing” my DT1 backup for now so if I have to go back to it I can. Currently trying to decide whether I can actually get rid of the DT1 or not. I did see some earlier comments about the FX section being missing / frozen in imported legacy projects as well, haven’t seen that quite yet.

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So this is a bug.
Please report it :slight_smile:

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I get Transfer crashing frequently (1.75 and 1.8) on Digi 1 let alone 2

Randomly some tracks are suddenly off 1 semitone. Couldn’t find out whats the cause of that. After restarting it’s normal again.

Also when changing tracks while playing/holding a note using an external keyboard in auto channel, notes will hang up. Even after “panic button” muting them by double press STOP, the the tracks will behave strange, playing the hung up notes again

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I hope SB will bring some light about some major bugs. I can see Sonicstate bringing the conversation to the table.

I just left mine running a sequence I know very well for about an hour. When I returned, some samples sounded completely different and other tracks were not making any sound whatsoever despite containing valid sounds. Pattern reload did not fix the situation. Powering off and back on again made the sounds reappear where they should have been. I have to say I’ve never power cycled anything in my studio as much as I am currently doing with the DT2 - and I never know why / when power cycling might help.

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Might be worth checking to see if this is zeroed?

The above quote is from Humanprogram trying to help another reporting the detune issue.

there is bug or unexpected behavior with samples when loading presets:
OGDT appends the required sample to the next free slot
DT2 replaces the current sample with the required one


Will try when it happens again, thx!

Importing older DT1 projects via Transfer results in missing / wrong samples on certain tracks despite loading all relevant samples in at the same time. It appears to have something to do with nested folders (alluded to by other comments). Interestingly, in some cases the display shows “SOUND 6” etc. when switching to certain channels and “NEW SOUND” for others. Looking at the sample slots for the missing samples reveals that it shows only the folder name in all caps rather than the sample name, indicating perhaps that these assigned samples may have predated the current hashing system (projects initiated in a much older firmware). I think I can fix this manually by checking my old sample slots on the DT1 one by one against the missing ones on the DT2 with them side by side… but man, what a pain in the ass.

Something isn’t quite right with saving sample SRC / sounds on tracks in older projects. The inconsistent behavior I’m seeing seems to manifest more frequently in legacy projects that have been imported rather than brand new projects created on the DT2. I think some objects aren’t properly referenced / are not being converted from older data formats.

I’ve filed all of these bugs with support and have offered to send in project / pattern files, but have not been asked to provide them yet. Please file a ticket and report back here if you discover any more issues related to older projects.

EDIT: I’m beginning to think this is related to a more general bug in the DT2 regarding newly initialized sounds replacing existing sample slots:


Managed to get this today just by pressing play.
Lasted about 30 mins on and off (even with turning DT off and on again).
Have raised a ticket.

Reminder to self - even if the device has lots of similarities with previous model / other models in the manufactures lineup … don’t buy day 1

I’m sure this will get ironed out. I think digitakt was in a worse state.


So I’m on SRC page, turn encoder D to choose sample, empty slot A034 chosen, pick sample ‘Skrewell - Kaleido’ - and look what happens! That can’t be right, surely ?

This is a newly loaded sample pack (thank you @Claid) that had maybe 5-10% errors on loading onto the DT2. But no errors on those files that are listed. Those files preview as empty, but the originals on my computer are fine.

Does this count as a corrupted filesystem ? Does the bug belong in the Transfer 1.8.6 bugs thread ?

EDIT: It happens repeatedly. If I pick any file but those 4, I get a single sample attached to A034 slot. But if I pick any one of those 4 highlighted, then all 4 get assigned to the one sample slot. Also happens in a new project. And its not confined to that single folder, I can find other folders where the same thing is happening.