Digitakt + Digitone MIDI Setup

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Why? If you start the DT (thereby starting the DN) you can always start recording on the DN.

You would have to connect the MIDI Out of the DN to the MIDI In of the DT as well as the other way around, and then make the applicable settings for transport and clock sync. This may well end up causing problems.

Yeah that is okay but I wanted to press rec and play on the digitone for a count in and play a melody to the beat on the digitakt that does not start!

Its okay, I can work with that and micro time. Thanks for your response.

I know this is a couple years late but it turns out your comment was the answer to the exact issue I was having. Wanted to thank you for this!

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Hi all
I know it is an old thread but I try to revive it…
A question…does the digitakt midi out controls also the patterns in the digitone? If I chain patterns in the digitakt this chain is executed also in the digitone? Thanks

Yes, by using Program Change in the MIDI settings

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Thanks. And if needed I can dismatch the pattern control ? For example change the pattern only on one machine and not on the other? Thanks

Program Change are on or off. You will have to disable/enable Prog Ch Send or Prog Ch Receive on either one of the Machine.

Thanks a lot…really new to the party

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I’m trying to get a DT+DN setup going, with an added midi keyboard to help program sequences, so:

  • Keyboard -> DT -> DN

I’ve got mutes, start/stop, pattern change, etc working. I can select MIDI A on the Digitakt to play Track 1 on the Digitone. I can live record input for this track as well. However, for some reason I can’t step record. Input from either the Digitakt or the keyboard is entirely ignored. Hooking the keyboard up directly does work, it’s the Digitakt that doesn’t seem to send out note data specifically in step record mode.

I’ve tried setting Trig Key Dest to Int + Ext. In combinaton with Output Ch set to Auto this makes any note played on the Digitakt send a G#0 in step record. Nothing else does anything… Anyone know if I’m missing anything here?