Digitakt as Midi Controller Hybrid Setup

Hello dear Elektronauts!

I’m thinking of buying Digitakt. I currently have MPC One but it doesn’t give me any inspiration (feels too much digital). I generally produce loop based music like techno. I also love to use my Bitwig. Generally I create loops on a device and put it to Bitwig and continue. It’s bit hard to do it on MPC One and touch screen feels like I’m using a tablet or pc.

I was thinking maybe I can use Digitakt as sampler for my drums inside the DAW and maybe also control my DAW (VSTs etc.) with midi tracks.

I was just wondering:

  1. Can I use overbridge and also the midi channels to control VSTs?
  2. Can I transfer samples directly from my DAW to Digitakt? or must I use the sample transfer app (I don’t know what it’s called)?
  3. For midi tracks, are there only 8 knobs (parameters) per midi track ? Do we have pages for the knobs (encoders)?

If you can share your experience with the Hybrid setup for Digitak I would be grateful! or even is it worth getting Digitakt since I already have MPC One?


Welcome to the forum, @kingan :handshake:

I can’t speak to the MIDI or Overbridge questions so much, but for samples, you will need to use the Transfer app to get them from your computer onto the Digitakt. Transfer is super easy to use, you can literally drag and drop right onto the device, so it’s not too much of a hassle.

Another option would be to record audio from your DAW into Digitakt directly, either with audio cables or over USB. This might be a faster and more flexible way to work, and if you use USB you can keep your setup tidy and minimize noise.

If you go with this option, Digitakt has a few features to help things run smoothly — for instance, you could set an audio level threshold to trigger recording to start (helpful for starting your recording right at the beginning of the audio coming in), or you could set a fixed recording length if you want your sample to adhere to your DT grid.

I’m not very familiar with the MPC One or the modern MPC workflow, maybe the same features exist over there, but I can say the Digitakt is generally pretty fast and easy no matter what you want to do with it.

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Transfer app elektron

Yes only 8 encoders
Yes you have a list with all the cc

Heyy, Thank you both for the responses. I actually got the DT! and found out the final question’s answer :smiley:

I liked this machine but I’m coming from ITB full digital so I feel limited but the sequencer is great!