Digitakt and Tanzmaus midi learn problem

hi everybody, I try to sequence my tanzmaus with my digitakt, but when I makes the manipulation to assign channels to the tanzmaus, the digitakt sends no information midi… The tanzmaus is in slave (In) and when I make the setup (shift + step 16) and step1 for “midi learn” I have the shift button which flashes and step BD which remains lit(switched on). Normally I should have the BD step flashing, awaiting the information midi sent by the digitakt… Anybody has already had this problem with the tanzmaus and the reception of midi information of another device? The digitakt sends perfectly on a virus Ti, a korg synth via midi and an iPad via USB thus I do not think about set up of synchronization and midi parameters of the digitakt but more with tanzmaus… My version of Tanz ( 1.62 and i just bought it) I arrive on the other hand has to put it in Master but not in slave…so the midi’s out port operate but i don’t understand with the midi In…When i put the midi cable in the midi in of the Tanz, i can’t heard any sounds from the digitakt. (I change cable, change channel from digitakt, no SOUND…) please Help !
Beyond that the Tanzmaus’s sound are incredible but i just want to sequence them with my DT !

have you got problems with sequencing drummachine (like tanz, Tr or drumbrute ) with the DT with different channels ? i note only problems with this tanzmaus… so if anybody have a solution of setup or config for assignation of diffferent channels to drums…

OK the answer was : a problem with the Tanzmauss and the MIDI IN port , i return my Tanz for a new and now the Midi Learn process work well !!! I can sequence my Tanz with the DT !!!
For information you can write LFO part of the Tanz to aplly to the midi part of the DT, the 5 lfos and the possibility to control with midi all the parameter are very plaisant !

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