Digitakt 2 transfer speeds

Has anyone else been experiencing slow transfer times when sending samples to the new digitakt 2? A 7 megabyte sample is taking around 25 seconds, which seems very long compared to the transfer speeds when transferring to my other elektron boxes. I’ve tried different cables, with no luck. Just wanting to see if anyone else is experiencing this.

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Same here, it takes hours for a large samples library.

Don’t forget stereo samples will now take twice as long. Does that account for the difference ?

OTOH this is a topic in the bugs thread.

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Experienced the same slower speeds last night. I guess stereo is the likely culprit.

It’s transferred via midi/usb that’s why it’s slow.


Well so far it’s sounded like a bug. But the the way you’ve said this it sounds like it will always be like this? Any fact to this or is this just a guess?

From what I understand TRANSFER use a midi protocol to upload/download files (via midi or usb midi).

And this protocol is slow for transferring files.

It’s not like you can mount your +DRIVE like an external disk on your computer via usb. If it was the case we won’t need the TRANSFER APP.

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Something that might also influence this is that the files need to be analyzed to create a hash code so that Digitakt projects can always locate the files. Hopefully it will be faster in the future though.


As far as I know the transfer app does NOT transfer via midi but USB. So in that case 25 seconds for a 7MB sample is way too long. Should be a second or so, even on USB2. so I would say that is a bug that will be improved with a firmware.

It being a usb connection doesn’t mean that the midi protocol is not being used here :wink:

Also: welcome !


With MIDI people dont talkt about those old DIN Cables, but that Computer and Digi-Boxes talk the MIDI Protocol with each other. Transferring Data via MIDI is awful slow, even if you use USB-MIDI Speeds. Donno, why they stick to that very very outdated way of transferring data to music instruments :frowning:

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I’m new to Digitakt 2 and the transfer speed feels shockingly outdated. I hope they fundamentally rework that part at some point, including the transfer app. Should be easier to do if DT2 is indeed a new platform. :pray:

try transferring samples to the MD…

you’ll be happy with DT2


What has been the Official response to the sample import times, I ask because Slicing Samples, and Importing Samples are fundamental to Sample Based Instruments and of course Elektron is aware of this so what did they say?

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I don’t know if it’s possible to increase the speed of data upload.
This seems like normal behavior to me, slow but normal.

Page 4 of TRANSFER’s manual :

Transfer uses a USB-MIDI protocol and does not require any additional drivers installed on your computer.

And what you can find by searching for MIDI 1.0 protocol specs :
MIDI protocol has a specified speed of a 31.25Kbit/sec data rate (baud)


So is sampling through the main inputs! And that’s not working as it should either unfortunately.

Little surprised at these issues, though I’m sure (hope) they’ll get them sorted through firmware, but sad to say I’ve packed mine up ready for return.

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Sampling inputs issue :flushed:is there a thread about the issue, haven’t received mine yet … if so please link it?

it’s the inputs which are quiet when monitoring, apparently the content normalizes but difficult to hear yourself/source during monitoring/sampling.


Hope all the people experiencing issues with transfer times, failed transfers or any other bugs are submitting support tickets.

If so, has there been any response from Elektron??

didn’t know, well we’ve only just begun so … I usually don’t jump in immediately but with the Digitakt 2 there was no way to resist so …

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