Digitakt 1.20 : Bug reports

I don’t know if this issue has been mentioned but my Conditional trigs with respect to which bar certain sounds should be triggered is now messed up.
Before the upgrade, If I had a sound within a pattern that was programmed to drop in on 2/4 it would drop in the correct place regardless if I had a one bar pattern intro that I chained before it.
it will now drop in on 1/4 if I chain a one bar intro before it, even though it’s set to 2.

Is there a new setting I should just turn off to remedy this?

When I press and hold a trig to see the plocks, sometimes they dont appear and I have to release and press again for them to appear. This happens on both DT and DN :frowning:

Yeap this happens when you preview a trig and hit yes very quickly after pressing the trig. I’ve wrote it down to report. Keeping a list of some things I come across


Hey everyone, has 1.20A solved the issues/bugs introduced with 1.20? Or are there still problems? I’m still on 1.11, been waiting for a stable release to update. Thanks :slight_smile:

Also, why is this topic called “Digitakt 1.20: Bug reports”, and not “Digitakt 1.20/A: Bug Reports”?
Is there even a 1.20A bug topic?
Very inconsistent.

Checking 1.20A Release notes on Elektron.se

List of changes from OS 1.20 to 1.20A

Bug fixes

The USB Class Compliant audio from the computer to the Elektron device could sometimes be silenced.

In LIVE RECORDING MODE, adding long sustained notes on top of previously entered trigs did not work correctly.

High-resolution parameters changed too rapidly when the encoder was pressed and turned.

The sequencer retrig parameters were responding too fast, making it hard to dial in a specific parameter value.

Samples belonging to Sound Pool Sounds were not marked as used when selecting unused samples.

Trig length was not recorded when using an external MIDI controller sending data on the track channels in LIVE RECORDING mode.

Trig conditions did not work as expected when using pattern chains.

The active pattern page was reset to 1:4 when changing tracks in GRID RECORDING mode.


I didn’t even know there was a 1.20A to be honest, I haven’t upgraded yet, but having read the fixes, that seems to have addressed the issue I’m having with the conditional trigs.

I hope they fix it soon… Going via auto channel is not what I wanted…

A fix for this was included in OS 1.20A that was released some time ago. Release notes and download can be found here: https://www.elektron.se/support/?connection=digitakt#resources


thanks for the link! - didn’t know… will try…
have a nice day…

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My sound pool got corrupted somehow. Sound names in the sound pool point to different sounds than what they were saved as. Obviously this makes live sets and live jams a bit of a…surprise as I can’t quickly access the sound I want without previewing it (and its usually way off from what I wanted.)


  • I think this happened on 1.11 before upgrading to 1.20 / 1.20A, and the bug carried over.
  • I used elk-herd to manage sounds etc. a few times on 1.11. This might be the issue. I couldnt find documentation of this happening anywhere else however.

Woke up this morning and suddenly can’t play my soft synths via Overbridge (though OB audio still works). MIDI data flashes on MIDI Channels on Digitakt, but doesn’t feed through to Ableton. Only works if I turn Overbridge off and switch to “USB MIDI”. Could this be due to the recent Mac OS update or something else?

I don’t know if someone said it before but this happens when I do this:
1 copying a page with triggers (page + copy button)
2 page +clear to clear same page
3 placing some new triggers
4 replace those triggers with the page copied in 1 (page +paste)
5 undo paste (page +paste again)

What happens is that the placed triggers in 3 are there, but all of their parameters from: src, fltr, amp and lfo are plocked with the value zero. Resulting in no sound.
I tried in two different projects and in both this is happening. I don’t think this is a problem of my digitakt, can someone reproduce and confirm?
And, if the case, how does someone write a ticket to tell Elektron?
I’m in 1.20 btw


Maybe best thing to do is to update to 1.20A and try and reproduce

I just did it, now I am in 1.20A and it is still happening :-/

Just tried tyour steps here and i get the same result. I had just one trig added for your step 3, and when pasting and undoing the page in step 5, that one trig returns but is silent as you say, and holding down the trig to view its values shows that everything is zeroed and the sample is empty, tune field says ERR etc…


Yes! So you were able to reproduce the bug that I found. I guess you are in 1.20A too? I already sent a ticket to elektron. let’s see if/how they respond.

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1.20A here. was easy to replicate with your instructions :+1:

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Working in Win8.1 with Ableton 10 my DT as a soundcard in Overbridge mode suddenly mutes sound but transport(from Ableton) keeps on.
I disconnect USB from DT and reconnect without shutting down Ableton, I can hear again DT and the other Ableton tracks but after a while every sound suddenly mute!
Could record a short video showing this problem if that help.

Selecting several trigs to set the prob parameter to 1st didn’t Work on the pattern I was working this morning. It showed as if all the trigs were set to 1rst, but if you looked at each step separately you could see that they all had different values. Quite annoying…

Also, when trying to automate the volume of a track through the use of the LFO using the half wave move on the first trig(To create a fade in of a part coming ), the playing is perfectly working. I set the lfo trig on the first step only playing once thru the 1st condition. So once the volume reaches the top it stays there.
Up to now, all is fine.
When coming from another patttern to this one, I could not get it to work consistently.
The fade just doesn’t play anymore. And the part comes in abruptly. This problem seems to appear when the previous pattern is in the “scale per track” mode.