Digitakt 1.07 : Bug reports

I’ve had my dt for about a year so I know how long it took for 1.06 to come, I personally started on 1.02. And there no defending elektron here. Funny seems anytime I’ve mentioned something is working fine on my unit the defending elektron comment surfaces.
As I stated it seems like ymmv across dt boxes. I haven’t experienced any graphical errors when using conditionals, my undo is working, I’ve never had a problem with large samples, my unit has never frozen, etc.
I don’t know why it is this way but many times I’ve tried recreating some of the bugs to help find solutions and no dice on getting the unit to bug out.


I get it, not everyone is experiencing the same issues… but quite a few people are, including myself.

Taken in isolation your comment is simply you expressing a positive experience I get it, but since your reply to me starts with “I don’t really think this is true.” Sound like you are in fact defending Elektron.

Ok, I noticed that line was removed from your original comment, kinda proves my point :wink:

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The reply wasn’t actually to you. It was to the comment after yours. It was in reply to the person stating that a lot of things in the DT just don’t work. And I stand by what I said, that just isn’t true.
Not sure how you see that as defending but everyone is allowed their own perspective.

Edit: not sure what you think I removed either as I didn’t remove anything. Still opens with the not true statement. I guess your point wasn’t proven.

i ran into the same issue the other night. cleared a pattern and there was no ability to undo it.

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:smiley: Yep, my bad, was probably past my bedtime when I replied last night…I was looking at the wrong message.
I guess my point is my gripes and frustration with the DT are totally justified, I’m not hating on Elektron and I’m in my rights to voice it but there always someone who feels the need to reject any suggestion of wrong doing by Elektron to the point of madness. But if thats not u then apologies :wink:


A follow up to the UNDO function not working:

Save your current project.
Load preset project.
Turn off.
Hold function, turn on.
Press trig 3 for factory reset.
Now it should work as expected.


Somehow a sample will not be played by a trig …has this happened to anybody else? I already cleared all the settings. Tried to record trigs in chromatic mode …and still nothing is being played.

Yeah, I guess you were sleepy or something cause defending elektron is not what was going on. Everyone who bought a DT has a right to be unhappy about how things panned out. Someone made a blanket statement, which I didn’t agree with and I voiced that. Sorry, if you don’t agree with my statements.

Check to make sure the track you are recording to is not muted?
Sound will still play from a muted track if the trig is pressed or its in chromatic mode but the sequencer will not output sound while its playing.

The track is not muted @jefones

Run a MIDI monitor in your DAW, see if any messages are sent when messing w/ bank change

I would LOVE to know, how many of these reported bugs happen with users using MIDI loopback. Not to reintroduce MIDI loopback into this thread again lol, was reprimanded last time. But - in addition to OS, it would be good to know what else is going on with one’s DT in terms of connections when reporting a bug.


MIDI loopback :fire::heart_eyes::joy:

it has to be on 14

I posted this in the the “features request” thread, but I think it is somewhere in between both threads.

When using “Func + assignable midi cc knob” to switch the value to “0” it takes about a half second. This makes it impossible to use on the fly since it drops out off-groove.

Specifically, I have been using the midi cc to control my AR performance mode, and that half second turns into a whole beat off-tempo.

i definitely ran into that also. i could see the steps light up but nothing would sound and nothing was muted. i ending up hitting the pad when not in step edit and it magically started playing again. i’m hoping a factory reset will also fix this, because if it happens again that’s pretty much my breaking point.

Is it working for you 100% of the times now ? Mine is not unfortunately. I did reset it but no luck . Basically if I press function+clear repeatedly the clear part will always work but the undo doesn’t once in a while ( it does two times clear in a row at times) resulting in losing the datas …

Yes it seems to be working properly now both at track and pattern level, although for now when I remember I am first copying (func+rec) before using clear just in case undo fails. I wish clear had a “CLEAR SURE? Y/N” prompt, but it has been asked for many times on each machine for years now.


Renaming oddity - I was sampling a bunch of sounds and when saving inadvertently entered the same name for the last sound as the previous sound, so I went into the sample menu and renamed the last sound, but the previous sound no longer appeared in the sample folder once the last one had been renamed.

Simplified example
Take sample - save and name bass1
Take sample - save and name bass2 but accidentally named bass1 again (doh!)
Go into sample menu and rename the last bass1 to bass2
Original bass1 disappeared, but bass2 is fine.

On my testing if you undo before the pattern has ended it works, if it cycles past 1 then you no longer can.

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