Digitakt 1.03 : Bug reports

besides there is nothing connected - have a look if “clock receive” and “clock send” both are activated.
i just run into this with syncing to cubase - i had both activated (usually that should be no problem)
and got rid of it when i deactivated clock send.

Just saw this above my Elektron support ticket… Looks like 1.04 will take more time.

July and August means vacation times! The office will be manned throughout the period, but due to limited staff, replies may be slower than usual. We thank you in advance for your patience!

Thanks for the heads up… Been wondering about when they’ll release 1.04

Kinda wish they’d prioritize this vs the OT mkii

It’s not that either. Most if not all midi options are disabled cuz I tried to find out why mdii keeps crashing when I stop the playback.

Hope elektron can sort all of these out. I don’t want to end up with a box that crashes, has bugs or produces unwanted pops and clicks.

Speaking of pops and clicks, I recorded a drone last night for the purpose of experimenting with the lfo start point but however I set the depth, speed and start point the recording is ruined by loads of load pops an clicks, is this a bug or can granular effects only be achieved with very clean tones?.

I guess we won’t be seeing 1.04 for a while as it will push the mk2 releases down on the Elektron website. I wouldn’t mind silent releases announced on the maillist only :sunglasses:

That would suck. Not fixing that quick save freeze bug asap is really lame.

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true… once its fixed, i have propably forgotten about this shortcut -.-

but seriously, they should really take their time and relase a good fw update instead of rushing it and breaking other things, which i would hate more to be honest.

So i rather wait a little longer, IF the update really improves things stability/bugfix wise.

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vacation times and they release two more machines …
vacation seems like a lame excuse…
I had a few days without crashig and today it was like hell…
lost tracks and sound associations… had to reboot a few times and had a black screen that made me pull the plug…
not very nice to see the announcment of new machines in the same time…


I was personally predicting a 1.04 release today as it is 2 weeks since 1.03 and 4 weeks since 1.02. Hopefully there will be an update in the next couple of days but also surprised there’s new gear announced before this, although that’s awesome too.

In fairness, if the newly announced MK2s are in the same shape that Digitakt was at when it was announced, they haven’t done much more than non-functional mockups. :smile:

1.02 and 1.03 were about two weeks apart and we’re nearing two weeks from 1.03, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see a 1.04 in the next couple of days. If we go another week or two without an update or word on when one is coming, then it’s time to get really mad. Well, madder than people already should be at them releasing it in this state.

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This crashing issue is going to decide whether I buy one, hopefully they can fix bugs with the next update/

you are right of course…
I would prefer a company politic that speaks clearly…
to me they just dive away and leave the rest to speculation…
it is bugs not feature requests that are to be fixed…

I feel a sense of frustration in me :slight_smile:


Totally understandable! It would be nice if the new announcements came with something to make their current customers feel better about the state of a rather troubled product. I’m told my order should ship Monday, so I’m right with everyone hoping 1.04 is just around the corner.

I just set myself a reminder for the 18th to return the DT if it remains in that state of being unpredictable.
I guess I will go for an old machinedrum then :slight_smile:
wouldn’t be the first time…

Seems to happen sometime when you manual save

People, please don’t forget that those doing marketing are not the same as those developing.
So, IMO, complaining about “hell fix those bugs instead of wasting your time making announcements” does not make sense at all.


Hope you’re right.

I can’t help thinking that a ‘known issues’ section in the release notes, or on the support page would surely help users. Many have complained about FUNC+cog crashes for example, despite it being a known and acknowledged bug, with a workaround, and a fix promised.

It’s boring going through threads looking for staff posts and surely many users just never do that (e.g. many of the people posting complaints on the FB DT group).

Roll on 1.04.

yeah keep calm as a hindu cow and wait for the things to happen and don’t forget to buy their stuff in the meantime…

It is a company and it sells goods and I have the idea if a company is selling unfinished goods they should provide
a) a good communication about the efforts they undertake to get things done
b) just make it happen

but in this matter elektron is a company of today.
which makes them less likeable… It’s all about money… yawn…

I’ve created new project today and DT hangs on each save.
During my 2 weeks of tinkering with the device i found other small bugs which are not easy to replicate.
Sometimes recorded samples are trimmed even if source preview shows correct waveform.
Project saving sometimes break the p-locks on some channels.
These issues have to be resolved asap.
I was a happy customer but on each new session i notice more unpredictable behaviour and that leads me to question if i should keep the device or return it back to store.