Just got a OT so still working things out. Just wondering if it is possible to use a different sample in each part. I think the manual is saying you can, but I seem not to be able to. I can do it if I use a flex in part 1 then a static in part 2, but if I change the sample it will also change them in other parts flex to flex and static to static. Also would like to do this between patterns but seems I can not.
Ahoi Captain…you MUST select another SoundSlot for the other Sample, because the 128 Sounds are shared for Static and Flex Maschines…this confuses me aWeek or two and made me ill sorry for my English
Thanks for that just started to make me feel a bit ill as well.
This is the so called " OctaFever "
There’s 128 slots in the static list and 128 in the flex list. These lists are global for the project, so all parts share the same lists. Samples are assigned to slots in both lists. Slots are assigned to machines and machines to tracks per part.
So yes different parts can definitely have different sample assignments but what that actually means is that they must have different slot assignments, since say slot one of the static list is populated with the same sample regardless of the part. I hope I’ve made sense, it’s all very simple but kinda hard for me to explain.
Thanks nice and clear