DFAM mind melting thread

Did anyone paired the Sy.05 by Michigan Synthworks with the DFAM? It‘s a Syncussion euro clone

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The best envelopes I have are those in 0-Coast and Maths, can be very snappy


A voltage controlled attenuator is a VCA, at least in the context of modular patching. For velocity to effect the depth of an envelope you need a VCA so that’s three more VCAs you would need to patch the velocity response of the DFAM.

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Fair enough, It is true when I want to patch DFAM from other sources I end up using quite a few VCAs

Drop me a pm if you want some DFAM upgrade knobs from Thonk. These knobs are too big for my fat fingers to easily use them so I got myself some skinnier knobs.


Knobs now gone.


I’ve been planning to get a DFAM in a few days, but then saw that new Fusion System II from Erica Synths. The sound from the demo is just mouth watering

I’m mostly wondering if I can do similar things with the DFAM plus maybe my Analog Heat ? At least when one is aiming for percussive synth sounds.

What do you guys think?

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DFAM with Mother 32. DIY stand on the picture.


I don’t think anyone can credibly answer your question without at having roughly what genres you want to make and what other gear you have. A selection of drum modules from Erika are far more comparable to the DFAM.

If you’ve got the cash for a Fusion System, you can probably find the funds for Digitakt or OT to sample percussive sounds from the Fusion System, build kits with them, sequence the Fusion with the Elektron (would require a midi to CV unit). That would undoubtedly be a very fun and interesting combo.


miss the mind melting DFAM quite a bit. Found myself visiting modular grid today :see_no_evil:
A DFAM looks quite nice with a metropolis/atlantis combo


Live experimental electronics for performance/theatre/dance/fun
Watch out with headphone volume, feedback!

Edit: I need a limiter before I am going to do this live in (little) venues.


That’s exactly my plan. I have an AH, OT, A4, MD and AR, so I’m looking for something (possibly the DFAM) as a nice sampling source. CV-sequencing from the A4 sounds promising as well :slight_smile:

Mostly planning to make some banging techno or Autechre-style IDM stuff with this setup.

Love the tones you’re getting out of both of these machines!

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Well you’ve already got the tools to make banging techno without buying anything else. IIRC Autechre have used computers almost exclusively for quite a few years now.

Glad you like it!
Here’s another one. DFAM and A4 mkII mostly:


Super excited to see what can be done to the DFAM with the new Make Noise 0-control.


Hrm, any places with a good DFAM price/discount?

Moar Stanky beats.

This is 99% the DFAM through a triple delay with a tiny bit of Lyra 8 in the background for texture. Also Heat. Totally improvised off the hoof in the 20 minutes I had before bedtime.


So I’ve decided to abandon all of my principles and incorporate my DFAM into a small modular setup, as I’m thinking it will unlock a lot of the DFAM’s potential. I’m going to buy one of the little nifty cases and put the DFAM in it, along with Pamela’s new workout. That leaves me with 16hp of space to fill. I’m thinking either another voice, maybe percussive, maybe not and maybe some FX (delay/flanger or something like that). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as I’m a total noob when it comes to modular.

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I like :slight_smile: