Delay is measured in what?

Sorry this is gonna look like a dumb question coming from a a guy that’s been doing this a LONG time. But the delay on the digi. What time is that measuring on the “time” encoder? Its not milliseconds which is what Im used to. Im matching delay times by ear and its not working for me., If it was milliseconds Id be good but there is a decimal there for what? The number doesnt make sense,

ok i just read the manual on this. That has got to be the most unnecessarily over complicated way to measure time delay I have ever seen. Must be a polish thing. Why not just use milliseconds ? Am I missing something?

I’m pretty sure this applies to all elektron machines with delay.

I think it’s based on divisions of 128 which is the Elektron standard unit of measurement. Don’t quote me on that though.

128 being based on the midi standard. Sample divisions are also in increments of 128 total as well.

(the image in the link, and certainly the pdf version, are at a more readable resolution)


The main reason to not measure it in milliseconds is related to the tempo.
The desire between those measurement is to keep the delay in sync with the 16 step for whatever tempo you are using.

Delay time :

  • 128 is 16 step
  • 64 is 8 step
  • 32 is 4 step one bar
  • 16 is 2 step
  • 8 is 1 step

When you begin to tweak it it became more a second nature and you don’t look too much at the number anymore.

The funny thing is implementing a delay this way has an impact on the tempo you can choose.
Because a delay is a recording buffer. So if you slow down the tempo it increase the size of this buffer. So might be the reason why we can’t put the tempo at 1 BPM or below :sweat_smile:


I think cuz its more for electronic music. I am a guitarist and used to milliseconds also. On the Digitakt I hold function and turn the time knob for syncable divisions.


I somehow didn’t mention it, but this is usually how I handle note division related settings on DT also. I was more thinking of how to explain why than to explain the way around it.

I’m a guitarist as well. Ha. That’s why. But these other fine folks who also answered made it clear. And it makes sense now. Thanks for the tip on the func button. That will make it easier.

No you totally made sense. I get it now. Thank you. It actually makes more sense this way with using midi, syncing and producing electric music. I see why it’s like this now. Just takes some getting used to. Thank you for such a detailed reply

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I’ve measure it in fun.