The delay on my A4 seems to be stuck in a mode in which the delays are very distorted and/or metallic sounding. I’ve tried changing all the settings and still no luck. Any idea what is wrong?
if tweaking settings isn’t helping it’s likely that you have performance params assigned to delay
two things overload the delay
overdrive and high feedback settings (anything north of 90%)
Thanks for the help. I found the problem. At some point I had set the LFO to delay time. Due to how the A4 resets effect settings from pattern to pattern (a mystery to me!) it has remained set this way for months.
Fx settings are stored with kits, kits are linked with patterns
I think I set it that way/messed it up in a kit I made when I first got the A4. I then based all my other kits off that kit (modify/save-to-new/etc.) and ended up moving it along to all my kits. Thanks again for your help!