Decksaver for OTMKII?

Yes, the deck saver does not obstruct any of the jacks. You’re good to go.
And it’s this way on all of the Elektron instrument deck savers. They even notched out spots on the smaller case depth Model: series, to make sure the user wouldn’t have to unplug anything to use the deck saver.


sweet, thanks for confirming! now qhy is it so expensive for a piece of plastic?! lol

Custom molded + thick material (difficult to break these) + they’re not going to sell too many in the grand scheme = high individual cost.
You’re paying for travel protection of expensive equipment too. It’s what the market will bear.

It’s not unique to Elektron either, their prices are in accordance with deck saver products for numerous other brands as well.

If you just need dust protection, there are cheaper options.


Biggest issue is that you can’t turn knobs with the decksaver on. :pl:

Yes, they are supposed to be more resistant, probably made with polycarbonate, not plexiglas. For dust purpose only, I want to try to make a plexiglas one, possible to melt it on a wooden mold, in an oven. (My neighbors make plexiglas things for boats, I made a wooden mould for them).

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yeah i just like my friends to remain minty fresh so I guess im going to just look at it as insurance for the lives of my oT and A4 to be good lives


If one ever needs to transport them, decksaver is a must. Costs less than repairing the encoders…

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