Debugging OT <-> ES FH-2 Midi setup


I’v been banging my head on this for a while, and I wondered if anyone has a similar set-up or run into a similar problem. (I’m new to MIDI and the OT, so this may stem from some fundamental misunderstanding…but I’m trying to learn :weary:)

I’ve been trying to get the Octatrack and the Expert Sleepers FH-2 working and I’ve run into a problem when either my clock + stop/start work correctly…or the midi gate CV works, but never both at the same time. If I turn on clock send from the OT, clock + start/stop work (as expected), but MIDI triggers fire incorrectly/irregularly across channels and triggers. If I turn clock send off, midi works as expected.

to be clear the only variable changing is: Project > MIDI > Sync> Clock Send: Y/N

Nothing really exotic going on in the FH-2. I’m really just trying to get the basics working. Posting the config in case you’re familiar.

If anyone has the time to help, I’d really appreciate it. So close, but I’m just stuck.

thanks in advance.

I don’t own the device but was poking around the Expert Sleepers site. Curious, are you on the most current firmware? Just released 4 days ago:

Edit: Also, page 10/11 of the current manual, what do you have the clock source set to on the FH-2? If you’re sending clock from the OT then the FH-2 should be set to DIN I assume.

thanks for looking at this.

I’m on the most current FH-2 firmware.

When I send clock out of the OT, it recognizes it as coming through USB A (there’s no DIN on the device, I have a USB to DIN converter.) When I have the clock sending on the OT, works as expected…but the midi triggers are off.

I’m trying to figure out of the issue is with the OT or the FH-2. I can’t tell if I have MIDI on the OT configured wrong and this is the issue…or the FH configured wrong. Since I’ve isolated the parameter to the OT, I’m wondering if there something I have wrong, but I can’t figure it out.

Is anyone using you OT with an FH-2? (would love to copy your config/setup.)

thanks in advance,