Data Sonification

I was listening/watching this video about exploring Data Sonification with Norms:

Working heavly with data analysis, viz on my day to day life that I don’t want that much to do more data at home but I am curious about the different approach.

How to represent data through sounds?
Any project or artists to share that explore this field or performance to share?


I used to work at a company that did data embedding in sound (Watermarking). It’s very interesting.

Weirdly one of the main techniques was invented by the filmstar Hedy Lamarr.


Kinda interesting to think about. I also wonder if this is the kind of feature you’ll see implemented in next-gen creative AI.

Also found this : Sonifications - NASA Science

smart lady :slight_smile:

" At the beginning of World War II, along with George Antheil, Lamarr co-invented a radio guidance system for Allied torpedoes that used spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology to defeat the threat of radio jamming by the Axis powers. However, the technology was never adopted.["

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Quick note that my very good friend is an expert in this stuff (including lots of Norns things) and runs a lovely podcast and org about it. The podcast is great if you want inspiration.

(edit: just realsied that his work is actually all over this youtube video!, so yeah)

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Giorgio Sancristoforo has been working on software that sonofies DNA:

He’s got quite a few esoteric and well-priced apps:

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I am currently learning VVVV gamma for a project related to sound, data, and visualization.
I found it a great software to work with, but there are other options such as Processing or Touchdesigner, depending of workflow tastes and needs… Also Houdini might be of help, but that would depend if you are looking for a realtime solution or a non realtime one.

I’m personally a big fan of Natan Sinaglia’s work

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Found also this piece : Digital Violence: How the NSO Group Enables State Terror

At Holonic, we’ve worked with data sonification and musification for quite a while. At the moment, you can sonify realtime movement data, for example from wearables or device motion, but also weather data and location data. Using geospatial (GIS) data, this can make for very interesting journeys through physical spaces. You can find download links and more data at:

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Now you got me intrigued, I worked with GIS and remote sensing data (optical and radar) a lot in previous job and a bit in the actual. This is very cool and interesting ! Thanks for the future rabbit hole!

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Maybe a little different from what ur talking about but Apple has sonification built into their charts for accessibility, theres a demo here starts about 2 mins in Bring accessibility to charts in your app - WWDC21 - Videos - Apple Developer


Let me know if you have any questions at all, most happy to help!

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Sort of in this realm, a fun AI project which generates sounds/images whose spectrogram looks like the thing being described. Easier to see than describe! Images that Sound

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